Friday, December 9, 2011

A Prayer for Marriage

I opened Scotty Smith's Everyday Prayers to find the November 29th "Prayer for Marriages." I love how Scotty reminds us not only of our own brokenness and bent, but for our need to seek protection from the evil one, as his plan is to undo Shalom in every area of life, including the high and holy covenant of marriage. We know this to be the case because cheating is not only prevalent in marriages outside the church, but also within. That's something we need to hear and receive as a somber warning.

Scotty Smith's "Prayer for Marriages" is one worth sharing and praying today. Perhaps it echoes the yearnings and realities of your own heart, as well as the concerns you have for your friends. It does both for me. . .

"No one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church-for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery-but I am talking about Christ and the church." (Ephesians 5:29-32)

Lord Jesus, I’ve been greatly saddened lately over the growing number of my friends who are disconnected from, despairing of, or dying in their marriages. I’m saddened, but not shocked, for two reasons. It makes all the sense in the world to me that the one relationship meant to mirror your love for your Bride would be under constant assault by the powers of darkness.

Why wouldn’t Satan want to do everything in his power to keep us from showing and telling the stunning story of your great affection for your Bride-how you have sought and bought a most ill-deserving people, like us, to cherish, nourish and cause to flourish… forever? Of course marriage is going to be a war zone-the front lines of spiritual warfare until the Day you return, Jesus. Of course, Satan doesn’t want the gospel to take root and offer the fruit of your redemption and restoration in our marriages. He hates you, he hates the gospel and therefore he hates your Bride.

But I’m also not shocked over the great percentage of marriages that are struggling, because I know my own heart, Jesus. Like most of us, I came into marriage, as you well know, with little gospel and big naiveté. I had no clue about the depths of my brokenness, the degree of my selfishness, or the devices of my sinfulness. I had no clue about what it would mean to love one person well the rest of my life, someone who needs the gospel just as much as I do.

And I certainly had no clue that your love alone is better than life… that your love alone can slake the deepest thirst of my heart… that your love alone can provides the depths of intimacy I crave and for which I have been made… that your love alone can free me to love another sinner-spouse the way your love me as your spouse-for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish… forgiving and forbearing… accepting without acquiescing… doing the hard and heart work of the gospel.

So, Lord Jesus, I pray for my friends, as I pray for myself, protect us from the evil one, and restore us to gospel sanity and gospel reality. Give hope to the hopeless, conviction to the foolish, nourishment to the famished… grace-filled wisdom to the betrayed and godly sorrow to the betrayers. So very Amen, I pray, in the loving and restoring name of Jesus."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So Much To Be Thankful For

We have so much to be thankful for! God has blessed the Pregnancy Care Center with amazing volunteers, generous donors, courageous staff and faithful prayer warriors. He has blessed us with a community of passionate supporters which allow us to daily live out our mission to engage, educate and inspire that very same community with truth! We are so thankful for this amazing, generous, courageous and faithful partnership! We are so thankful for you!
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Cost Just Sacrifice

“No Cost
Just Sacrifice”
That was the title for this past weekend.

I was extremely honored to attend The Call Detroit 11-11-11 where
thousands came together in Ford Field to fast and pray for the city of Detroit and for our nation.

“It's a fast, not a festival” describes TheCall which has been gathering for over 10 years in stadiums across our country for Joel 2 solemn assemblies. I describe it as an honor because the very least I can do to petition for the lives of the unborn is to give up sleep and food for 36 hours. Being of one purpose with thousands of brothers and sisters is Christ who have the same passion is an amazing experience and one that touches the heart of God as we worshipped and cried out to Him in prayer.

11 of us from my church, Cornerstone Community in Seymour, drove up Friday, arriving for the beginning session at 6pm. The worship, the prayer, the praise, the breaking of barriers and restoration between ethnic groups, the repentance of the shedding of innocent blood in our land, are just a few of the things that took place during the 24 hour call which continued non-stop until 6pm Saturday.

I was touched as the truth about abortion was proclaimed through several personal testimonies from representatives of Carenet. The reality of the black genocide through aborting Africian American babies was startling to hear as the National Pro Life Black Community leaders shared of their movement to put an end to this unjust bloodshed.

I am more grateful than ever to be a part of putting an end to this ugly thing called abortion.
One day at a time, we each are making a difference in saving the life of a child.
I am honored to be involved in the work of the Pregnancy Care Center.

Serving with you,
Marge Miller
Manager, Jackson County Center

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Blessing of the Pregnancy Care Center

Today is my first day back in the office after being out 12 weeks on maternity leave. (See “The Miracle of Embryo Adoption”). Having served at the Pregnancy Care Center the last 10 years it’s been strange, to say the least, to be away from my PCC family and this ministry I love for so long.

It has been an indescribable blessing to spend the past three months at home enjoying motherhood and getting to know my beautiful baby girl.

But I must confess—there were days I didn’t think I was cut out to be a mom. There was a period of about two to three weeks where we had a baby who was feed, clean and loved to pieces, yet wouldn’t stop crying. It was overwhelming. I cried with her!

During those long days and sleepless nights, I constantly thought of our clients. I can’t imagine how those who are caring for a newborn without a support system and oftentimes with other children running around must feel. I prayed for those precious girls and asked God to give them the strength to make it through the day.

And I thanked Him that the Pregnancy Care Center is here in our communities, ministering to them with His unending love. What a blessing it is to be a part of a ministry that provides a refuge for the weak and weary; a place of encouragement, support and hope. And we’re only able to do this with the support of partners like you! Thank you!

Teresa Russell
Development Director

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Welcome Sally!

Sally Binnie has joined the PCC family as the new Administrative Assistant. Sally and her husband Steve have been married for 21 years and have two daughters Stephanie, a sophomore at Indiana State University and Samantha, a sophomore at Columbus East High School. Sally is very active in her home church at East Columbus Christian and has been a CASA volunteer for over 3 years. She enjoys spending time with her family, camping, reading and playing euchre. Sally says she is glad to be at the Pregnancy Care Center and is “excited to be a part of such a wonderful ministry in our community.” Please join us in welcoming Sally!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Walk for Life 2011

What a wonderful day God provided for the Pregnancy Care Center's 17th annual Walk for Life. With over 175 participants and $32,000 raised we are so thankful for the lives that will be changed throughout the PCC ministry. Thank you to those who volunteered and participated to make a difference in our communities.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Better Way

When talking with students, parents and clients our message is clear; there is a better way, God’s way. Recently one client summarized the ministry while giving us feedback. “(My counselor) was very kind and respectful. No one judged me in a negative way. Thank you all for helping me and showing me there was a better way.” What a privilege we have in the Pregnancy Care Center ministry to share with our community that God’s way is a better way!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

True Love...Patience, Kindness, Truth and Hope

When clients come through the doors at the Pregnancy Care Center, we want them to sense what true love is while they are with us. We want them to see patience, kindness, truth and hope. And in the end we want them to see Jesus Christ and His love for them. As one client recently wrote on her feedback form, "No one has ever made me feel more cared about than the people working here. You guys are life savers. The help I received today meant the world to me, thank you." What a blessing to love others as Jesus Christ has loved us and called us to love.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lives Are Truly Changed!

It is an amazing gift from God to get a note like I did from a student at Columbus Behavioral Health facility a few days ago. I had a young woman walk up to me on the second day after class and tell me, “I am a virgin because of you!” I thanked her and wondered how that could be true since I’d only been with her for 2 days, but she went on to explain, and later wrote me a note on a card that was given to the students to ask questions that explains what she told me. Her card read:

“I’m a junior now, but my freshman year I was going to lose my (virginity) to the most amazing boy ever (I found out he really wasn’t) and then you came in 4 days before it was gunna happen and changed my mind…I’m still a virgin…if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be, so thank you.”

WOW!!! Rarely do we get that kind of peek into the impact we, as a ministry, are really making by way of preventative measures! This note is a precious, tangible tool we can use to make sure all who support our ministry realize the value and affect of our mission; Lives are truly changed!

Tracey Pike
Choose to Wait Educator

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Heart of a Child

As the Walk for Life draws near, many have begun to raise funds including a young girl who loves the Pregnancy Care Center.

"My 10 year old daughter asked me months ago if she could be the one from our family to raise money and walk in this year’s walk-a-thon. Of course I said yes – and she’s been asking regularly if it is time yet. When (we got a call from the PCC that) it was indeed time, Rachael got right to work. She set a goal of raising $200. After the first day it became apparent that she’d meet that goal very soon, so she decided to move her goal to $300. I told her that was a lot of money, but she was just sure that God would provide. What a step of faith for a child! After 2 days of fundraising, she met that goal too!!! How beautiful that God is showing her his provision when she does take that step of faith. Just had to share how God is at work even in these early days of fundraising...and in the heart of a child who desires to support the PCC."

Praise God for Rachel's heart for God and for the ministry of the Pregnancy Care Center. If you would like to also begin raising funds for the October 15th Walk for Life, visit our web site at for more information or to print off a pledge sheet.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Choose to Wait Needs You!

Pregnancy Care Center’s Choose to Wait programs provide vital information for students to make healthy choices and practical tools for setting healthy boundaries that brings life and health to their future. Reaching over 6,000 students in 42 schools last year, Choose to Wait partners with parents, teachers and schools to deliver information our culture has withheld about the value of teen’s healthy decision-making.

You are invited to prayerfully consider if God is calling YOU to join the ranks of our team in delivering these invaluable programs. Join us for a special training to equip those interested in speaking truth to students across South Central Indiana.

Training to be a speaker for the Choose to Wait 6th grade program:
Thursday, September 8th at 6 pm
Memorial Baptist Church, Columbus

Training to be a speaker for the Choose to Wait High School program:
Tuesday, September 6th at 6 pm
Memorial Baptist Church, Columbus

Training to be a speaker for the Choose to Wait Middle School program:
Thursday, September 1st at 6 pm
Memorial Baptist Church, Columbus

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thank You!

Our Choose to Wait presenters were recently back in the classroom for summer school, thanks to the continued support of those who sustain the work of our ministry. One of the students slipped a note to the presenter concerning the impact the program had on her life. We’d like to pass her words on to you, as they are a credit to the work we have accomplished together:

“I’m a junior now, but my freshman year I was going to lose my [virginity] to ‘the most amazing boy ever’ (I found out he really wasn’t) and then you came in four days before it was gunna happen and changed my mind. I’m still a virgin. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be, so thank you.”

In case you ever doubt that your support and contribution is really saving and changing lives please accept this thank you note from a student as assurance that it is. Thank you for believing in and investing in the lives of young people. Your support is truly changing lives!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jackson County Center Receives Help from Camp Awestruck

Before Picture of the Center

After Picture of the Center

The Jackson County Pregnancy Care Center was recently blessed when two groups of high school students from Awestruck, a summer camp held at Camp Lakeview, spent four days painting our new Center. The Seymour Tribune Newspaper wrote an article on the group and the help they provided the ministry. You can view that article here. We are grateful for the beautiful servant's hearts of these young people and impact their service made on making the outside of the Center a more inviting place for clients to want to visit!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Is a Sexual Integrity Program for 6th Graders REALLY Necessary?

Perhaps the answer to this question can best be found among the anonymous feedback forms collected from the 8th grade Choose to Wait program last year:

  • 13 year old, Bartholomew County Student: “She answered every question that I was thinking about.”
  • 14 year old, Brown County Student: “I might have had sex before, but me and my b.f. talked and we want to wait…”
  • Unidentified Jennings County Student: “I wish I would have had a chance to hear all this a long time ago.”
  • Unidentified Jennings County Middle School student: “I am glad she said what she said before I would have messed up.”

Our culture and media has bombarded children with a great deal of sexual imagery and dysfunctional ideas about relationships and romantic expectations. For the past 18 years, the Pregnancy Care Center’s Choose to Wait (CTW) program has teamed with educators to expose the misinformation students believe, and reveal and empower the precious truth of their inherent value and worth when it comes to their sexuality.

The Pregnancy Care Center recently designed a CTW program for 6th graders. Some question whether it is necessary to talk with this age-group about such topics. CTW 6th grade is a preventative program with a goal of reaching adolescents prior to them engaging in relationships so they have a foundation of truth to build upon. It is essential that young students receive engaging, factual information to address the issue of living a life of sexual integrity and are given permission to buck the social trends and value them-selves. The CTW 6th grade program gives students factual, age-appropriate information and tools to identify trusted adults in their lives that can assist them in maneuvering through a time filled with innocent confusion and many questions.

We are proud to be a positive voice offering factual information and preventative tools for young students to address their health in not only a physical perspective; but a mental, emotional, social and ethical perspective as well.

It isn’t just necessary, it is healthy, good and right to take back territory on a topic the world has exploited for far too long! We owe it to our children to guide them through puberty with truth, dignity, respect, and encouragement that there is beauty and excitement on the other side of this unique time in their lives.

Tracey Pike, Choose to Wait Educator

Monday, June 27, 2011

Movers are a Blessing!

We were blessed by a great crew that moved our Jackson County Center to its new location a few weeks ago. What would we do without our WONDERFUL volunteers?!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Choosing Adoption

When clients come to the Pregnancy Care Center and have a positive pregnancy test, we make follow-up calls and sent notes of encouragement to them throughout their pregnancy to check in and let them know we’re here and we care about them.

Oftentimes due to the transient nature of our client’s lives we lose touch with them. However recently, a volunteer made a follow-up call to a clients she had seen several months earlier and was able to reach her. Julia*, a high school student, had come for a pregnancy test in the fall. When the test was positive, Julia stated she did not want an abortion, but that the father of the baby was pressuring her. Her peer counselors shared the truth of Jeremiah 29:11 and assured her that God was with her and had great plans for her.

Julia scheduled an ultrasound and brought her mom with her. During this visit, we learned that both of her parents were supportive of her and against abortion. After the ultrasound Julia stated she was still undecided about what she would do about the pregnancy as far as carrying or adoption, but that she was considering adoption.

During the recent follow-up call, Julia shared that she will be due soon and has made an adoption plan. She sounded completely at peace and shared the blessed the Jeremiah scripture had been to her as she walked through the pregnancy.

Please join us in praying God’s continual peace upon Julia as she completes the adoption process.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Teaching Your Kids to be Generous

I came across this blog today entitled "How Parents Can Pass on a Legacy of Generosity to their Children" on the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability today. I think it will be a blessing to all you parents out there who are looking for ways to teach your kids the importance of stewardship.

Happy reading!

Teresa Russell, Director of Development

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wonderfully Made

Taken from Melissa Ohden’s blog at

"I was aborted by a saline infusion abortion in 1977.

However, that attempt failed at ending my life, and instead of being born dead, I was born alive on the 5th day of the abortion procedure (yes, this is an absolutely true story…feel free to visit my website to see pieces of my medical records).

Although I was initially left for dead, the nurses and doctors quickly realized that I was alive, and they provided me with the medical care needed to sustain my life. Although I struggled with respiratory distress, seizures, jaundice, and required multiple blood transfusions and feeding through an intravenous line in my head, I was wanted.

My adoptive parents opened their hearts and their home to me, knowing full well that they were taking a chance on adopting a little girl who would probably not live for very long, and if I did survive, would more than likely be disabled. Knowing this did not deter them. They loved me, unconditionally, and it was their love, and the love of the doctors annd nurses who cared for me that helped me to not only survive after that failed abortion attempt, but thrive.

I may have been an “accident” (given name) to my biological parents, who were young college students at the time, but by the grace of God, my life took on new meaning.

It wasn’t until I was 14 years old that I found out the truth about my life, that I wasn’t simply given the beautiful gift of an adoption plan by my biological parents, but I had been aborted first. Certainly, it was God’s plan for my life that I am who I am, but I struggled with it for many years.

All of the given names of “aborted child,” “unwanted,” “unloved,” “accident,” “just a blob of tissue,” “choice,” “replaceable,” all took a toll on me from age 14 on. As much as I loved God, and knew He loved me and saved me for great purposes, I was burdened by the given names and fell silent to the world around me. I tried hard to excel in every other part of my life, in order to avoid facing the one true thing that the Lord saved me to do–share the Gospel of truth about abortion and about Him with the world.

It wasn’t until I wrestled with God over those years and finally accepted who I am and who He truly is to me that I was able to fully received my Secret Name, embrace it, and live it out fully in the world through Him.

I am now an international pro-life and Christian speaker, a Christian counselor, and most importantly, a mother. I am so grateful to the Lord for not only saving my life, but allowing me to wrestle with Him long enough to learn my name and be prepared for the fights that I fight in the world today.

I am no longer an “accident,” I am WONDERFULLY MADE!"

Want to hear more about Melissa's story? Go to to hear a podcast where Melissa talks more about her incredible life.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blessings Through Transportation

At the annual meeting in April, I shared about a working client that had been walking to her factory job every night ( 3rd shift). I was a little hesitant about sharing the story but I am so thankful I did. One of the people present was touched by the story and helped make plans for the girl to get a vehicle. That client was given a minivan from a lady in New Castle. Several wonderful Christian people were involved making arrangements and getting the van to the girl. She was absolutely thrilled, and she had enough money saved to pay the tax and insurance she needed to license the van. The client was able to drive to work in the rain instead of walking. She told a friend that the car was a gift from God. So we are praying that when she comes back in she will be ready to hear more about God's wonderful grace.

Jane Bevers, Jennings County Center Manager

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Decatur County Center Gets A Facelift

The United Methodist Church of Greensburg volunteered their time and energy last month to paint and freshen up the offices and waiting room of the Decatur County Center. Greensburg Church of God also came into the center to do some cleaning as well as purchased needed items for the center. Darla Goodman, Decatur County Center Manager, said “It looks great and we are really excited.” We always want to make sure our centers are clean and inviting and we greatly appreciate the help and support of our local churches to make this possible.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Miracle of Embryo Adoption

This is a letter Pregnancy Care Center Development Director Teresa Russell and her husband Chad sent to their family and friends regarding their embryo adoption and subsequent pregnancy. They wanted to share their story with their PCC family to bring awareness to the miracle of embryo adoption.

Dear Friends:

We hope this letter finds you well. We’re sending this letter today to share a struggle we have been facing for the last five years. When we married on March 16, 2002, we had planned to start our family after about three years, once we had “mastered” so to speak how to be a good husband and a good wife. However, this wasn’t God’s plan for us.

After a couple years of trying on our own and running several different fertility tests, we learned we only had a 1% chance of conceiving on our own. We then began considering what our options were to start our family. There were many choices when it came to fertility treatments, adoption and foster parenting.

We are so excited to share with you what God has been doing in our lives regarding the choice we have prayed about and decided to pursue; embryo adoption.

We know this is a very new concept and you may have never even heard the term before. Let us explain. Many couples facing infertility choose to try in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to become pregnant. When a family has been successful in having a child through IVF, remaining embryos are often cryopreserved (frozen). If after a successful round of IVF (which often results in twins...or more!) many couples choose not to have any more children and then struggle with what to do with the remaining embryos. Some choose to destroy the embryos and others donate them for research—which also destroys the embryos. Embryo adoption resolves this difficult issue in a God-honoring, life affirming way.

The great thing about embryo adoption is that it can be an answer to prayer for everyone involved. For the couple who donates the embryos, it is a positive, pro-life way to resolve an ethical dilemma. For the adopting couple, it can be a beautiful opportunity to experience pregnancy and become parents. And for the embryos themselves, a way is provided for them to grow, enter this world, and live a full life. Currently, it is estimated that there are more than 500,000 frozen embryos in the United States. These are pre-born children waiting for a chance at a full life.

At times, our journey through infertility has been terribly painful, but God has done amazing things in our lives and marriage through it. Deciding to pursue embryo adoption has not been an easy decision, but after much prayer, we were confident this is the path God was leading us down.

Some of our best friends put us in contact with their good friends who had six embryos they wanted to place for adoption. In December, we went through a “Frozen Embryo Transfer” (two embryos were thawed and transferred into Teresa---see picture above of these little lives!).

We are beyond blessed to tell you that the transfer was successful and we are expecting the arrival of our first child (no worries, only ONE!) at the end of August. As you could guess, we couldn’t be more excited, and we can’t wait to celebrate this blessing with you soon. Please keep us in your prayers as we enter this new phase of life.

All our love,

Chad and Teresa

Update: We found out on Good Friday that we're having a little girl!

For more information about embryo adoption, visit Bethany Christian Services or Nightlife Christian Adoptions.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Honoring the Love of a Mother

The Pregnancy Care Center is giving supporters the opportunity to honor their mother, or another special woman in their life, by making a donation in their name to the ministry. For many the gratitude felt for the love, support, encouragement and care their mother’s showed is impossible to express in words. Many have felt a great way to say thank you to their mom is by giving a gift to the PCC to help encourage new moms toward choosing life for their babies.

One supporter wrote, “I wish to dedicate the enclosed gift, anonymously, to the Russian birth mother of my adopted granddaughter. I give thanks every day that this mother, on the other side of the world, chose life for her baby. I wish that she could know the loving family that adopted her little girl. As this isn’t possible, I hope that this message might inspire another girl to remember that, even if she is unable to keep her new baby herself, there is someone that God will provide to love and provide for that child. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

If you would like to honor your mother in a very special way this Mother’s Day contact Melissa Morrow at Or if there is another special woman in your life you’d like to honor such as a mentor, grandmother, or aunt, you can do that as well. We’ll send an acknowledgement of your gift to her and all gifts will be recognized in our June Newsletter unless otherwise directed.

Friday, April 8, 2011

What People are Saying

The Pregnancy Care Centers reaches thousands of people each year with the truth regarding sexual integrity and the value of human life. We do this through programs like Choose to Wait, My Best for You and Transformed. We also offer hope through our in–center services and healing through our post-abortion bible studies. We are constantly encouraged by the great feedback we get through participants and clients. Below is what people are saying:

“Thank you for everything. I am going to stay pure until marriage.” Transformed Teen Male Participant

“I’m 17 and a virgin. When I was in 7th or 8th grade I went through Transformed and since have always wanted to save myself for marriage.” Transformed Teen Female Participant

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to become closer to my mom and God.” My Best for You Student Participant

“I might have had sex before, but me and my (boyfriend) talked and we want to wait. You will keep us going.” Choose to Wait Brown County Middle School Student

“As a single father our family needed these sessions.” Transformed Parent Participant

“What a blessing this Bible study has been for me. I have found the peace and forgiveness that I have been searching for for a very long time. It has taken me 32 years to be healed from my abortion and I praise God for this study!” Forgiven and Set Free Bible Study Participant

“Programs like this help me stay abstinent.” Choose to Wait Columbus North Student

“I have totally changed my mind about everything. I’ll never watch porn again because it was that informative to me.” Choose to Wait Seymour High School Student

“I believe if every parent took to heart the depth of this need to share these truths that will save them from deep scaring with their children—it will change our world!” Transformed
Grandmother Participant

“I am thankful for this retreat. You have made this subject so easy to talk about with my daughter.” My Best for You Parent Participant

What I like best about the Pregnancy Care center is “that people care enough to keep the center running and so many people volunteer to help. Thank you for helping.” Bartholomew County Male Client

“Tonight has been fabulous for me as a mother and follower of Christ. I’m so very glad I brought my daughter. I’m glad she has the truth!” My Best for You Parent Participant

“I’m not completely sure but it was possible that I may have lost my virginity tonight. It won’t happen now. Thanks.” Choose to Wait Shelby Central High School Student

“This is a great program. It gives you all you need to be healed, or if the wounds are very deep, how to continue the healing process with God by your side. It is wonderful to see everyone change and grow closer to God.” Forgiven and Set Free Bible Study Participant

The Pregnancy Care Center is “open and honest with questions, never judgmental. I love the one on one counseling. Thank you for all the information.” Bartholomew County Female Client
“As someone who is sexually active I can honestly say that I no longer will be.” Choose to Wait Jennings County High School Student

“This is a great program, solved many confusions and struggles which I had not realized as well as giving me support, hope and peace of mind.” Forgiven and Set Free Bible Study Participant

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