Thursday, July 10, 2008

Equipping Teens to Walk in Truth

In light of recent news articles regarding teen pregnancy and the increasing number of states moving away from federally funded abstinence education programs, the importance of churches speaking truth in matters of sexual health and the need to equip parents to dialog with their families at home cannot be emphasized enough.

It is essential students be taught the truth that abstinence until marriage and faithfulness within marriage is the healthiest, best lifestyle choice and unquestionably in their own best interest. However, we must step back and honestly ask ourselves from where teens can be expected to learn this truth—TV? Magazines? Movies? The Internet? My Space or Facebook? Our culture has such a distorted view of human sexuality that few places, if any, outside the home or Christian community exist where a teen can get anything close to an accurate perspective of this significant area of human life.

Research consistently confirms the critical role parents have in their children’s sexual decision-making. In fact, the quality of a child’s relationship with his or her parents is one of the most important influences on sexual decision-making. A new study released by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and the MetLife Foundation “…reinforces the fact that kids live up to parents’ expectations as well as down to them….what parents choose to discuss with their teens can have an impact on the actions their children take. When parents talk, most teens actually do listen.” (, 6/10/08).

Sadly, when it comes to discussions regarding sexuality, most parents aren’t talking. There are many reasons for this: embarrassment, shame and guilt from past sexual decisions, fear of not knowing what to say, sexual dysfunctions or relationship struggles of our own, to name just a few. However, none of these reasons are more important than our children. Their futures are worth whatever it takes to equip them to live a life of sexual integrity.

In his book, Talking to Your Kids about Sex, Mark Laaser, Ph.D. states, “…the greatest enemy of sexual wholeness is silence.” As parents, we can combat this enemy by taking advantage of teachable moments at every age and every stage of our child’s development. We do not have to have all the answers, but rather, be willing to put this subject of the table early with our children and keep it there as a topic for open discussion. Our goal is to have a lifetime of effective, age-appropriate conversations with our kids about sex in loving and spiritually mature ways. Equipping them to walk in truth and seeing them live in the freedom truth brings will be the reward.

Give me understanding and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart.
I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.

Psalms 119:34, 45

Lisa Newton, Director of Christian Education

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tune In on Friday!

This Friday, July 11, is our third annual Care-a-thon on WYGS. Tune in from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. to hear what's happening in the ministry from PCC staff and board members. You can listen online at or tune in to the F.M. stations 88.1 (Versailles), 89.1 (Greensburg), 94.5 (Salem), 91.1 ( Columbus), or 97.5 (Batesville). You'll also have the opportunity to call in and give a financial gift to the ministry. Set your dial to WYGS won't want to miss this!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We Are Many Parts, But One Body

It's a fact that in order to function properly, any organization must have the necessary input from each member involved. The Pregnancy Care Center is no exception!

I was recently made aware again of the value in each person doing his part, down to the smallest detail, so we can function successfully. The volunteers at our center were having a discussion during some 'down time' about how each one loves what they do, but has little to no interest or enjoyment in what the others are doing! They were amazed at how God brought each one to the ministry for a specific role so we could provide service to our clients.

* One was sorting clothes that had been brought in and another was entering client data in the computer.
* Another was moving from room to room organizing items and putting them in their proper locations.
* Then there's the one who finds enjoyment sitting and tying diapers into dozen bundles so they’re ready to be distributed to clients.
* Another loves to vacuum the center and be sure the shrubs outside the door are trimmed and the plants are watered.
* We also have a volunteer who is our cleaner. She’s energized by going around with a bottle of germ killing disinfectant, wiping down doorknobs and table tops.
* Another feels most comfortable at the copier and carefully prepares our supply of pregnancy packets that we give to our clients.
* We have others who love to tally client numbers at the end of each month and ensure our statistics are accurate.
* Finally, there are those who greet the clients and answer the phone, and others who sit and listen to the client's heart, sharing information about her options regarding her pregnancy.

These are just the volunteers who come each week and serve in the actual center. However there are many more positions outside the center that require each person doing as they feel called and functioning in the area of their gifting and their passion.

Without any one of these faithful servants, there would be a gap in the functioning of this ministry. All are important, and there is a place for you at the Pregnancy Care Center if you are being nudged to join a front-line ministry!

Marge Miller, Jackson County Center Director

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