Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ambassadors....the connection between the church and the Center!

Recently at the Pregnancy Care Center we looked deeper into the purpose of an Ambassador. One could easily define an ambassador as a messenger or spokesperson. However, when looking at the role of a Pregnancy Care Center ambassador it is much more than a spokesperson.

Since working with and getting to know our ambassadors I have come to realize these are amazing people whom love their church and are passionate about the work of the PCC. Many would say “I know I can’t do it all but I can do something” and that is all it takes.

An ambassador of the Pregnancy Care Center is the connection between the local church and the Center and therefore is crucial to the ministry of the PCC. It is through the ambassador that the Center accomplishes four things:
  1. Ambassadors help the PCC become integrated and anchored within the church.
  2. As a strong relationship develops between the PCC and your church, PCC can refer clients to your church.
  3. Ambassadors help us find ways to assist your church in its stand for the sanctity of human life.
  4. Ambassadors share information about PCC programs with members of their church so they can receive our services.

If your church does not have an ambassador and you would like to get involved please contact us. Being an ambassador is a great way to serve not only the Pregnancy Care Center but also those you worship with. It requires a little amount of time but can make a significant impact and be incredibly fulfilling.

Abby Glasser, Administrative Assistant

Ready to Golf 'Fore' Life?

If you love the ministry of the Pregnancy Care Center and enjoy playing golf on a beautiful golf course with friends, we have an event for you!

On Monday, August 2, 2010, the Pregnancy Care Center will have its 12th Annual Golf Challenge at Otter Creek Golf Course in Columbus. The money raised (each golfer must raise at least $150 in pledges to play) is used to support our Prevention, Intervention and Healing services offered to our communities at no cost.

We are currently looking for Golf Captains to form foursomes to play. If you're interested, call Teresa toll free at 866-510-5067. There are a limited number of team slots available, so act now! For more information, visit our website.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Deciphering the World of Texting

I recently came across an article that deciphered the world of Internet/Texting acronyms for parents. This is a great tool for you as you monitor your child's online behaviors.

ASLP: Age/sex/location/picture
CD9: Code 9, parents are around
GNOC: Get naked on (Web) camera
IWSN: I want sex now
KPC: Keeping parents clueless
LMIRL: Let’s meet in real life
MOS: Mom over shoulder
P911: Parent alert
PAL: Parents are listening
PAW: Parents are watching
PIR: Parent in room
POS: Parent over shoulder

For a more complete list of text and chat acronyms, go to the Center for Youth/Parent Understanding.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Vacation Bible Schoolers Visit PCC

We were blessed to have a group of Vacation Bible School participants from St. Bartholomew Catholic Church in Columbus come by to be of service to the center. They assembled pregnancy packets, tied diapers, prepared baby bottles and put labels on a mailing.

They were an energetic group, eager to serve and we are thankful for their sweet servant hearts.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Value of Fathers

It is a privilege and an honor to be a father. It is one of the great responsibilities that God has entrusted to us. Fathering is one-half of the equation of instilling family values.

Malachi 4:6 reveals to us; “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
With Father's Day coming up, I feel it's a great time to share with you from the Fatherhood Initiative ways that can be very effective for us as fathers to reap the everlasting joy from Malachi 4:6.

One of the best things a father can do for his children is to respect their mother. If you are married, keep your marriage strong and vital. If you’re not married, it is still important to respect and support the mother of your children. A father and mother who respect each other, and let their children know it, provide a secure environment for them. When children see their parents respecting each other, they are more likely to feel they are also accepted and respected.

How a father spends his time tells his children what’s important to him. If you always seem too busy for your children, they will feel neglected no matter what you say. Treasuring children often means sacrificing other things, but it is essential to spend time with your children. Children grow up so quickly. Missed opportunities are forever lost.

All too often the only time a father speaks to his children is when they have done something wrong. That’s why so many children cringe when their mother says, “Your father wants to talk with you.” Begin talking with your children when they are very young so that difficult subjects will be easier to handle as they get older. Take time and listen to their ideas and problems.

All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to set reasonable limits. Remind your children of the consequences of their actions and provide meaningful rewards for desirable behavior. Fathers who discipline in a calm and fair manner show love for their children.

Fathers are role models to their children, whether they realize it or not. A girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by boys, and what to look for in a husband. Fathers can teach sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility and responsibility.

Too many fathers think teaching is something others do. But a father who teaches right and wrong, and encourages them to do their best, will see his children make good choices. Involved fathers use everyday examples to help their children learn the basic lessons of life.

Sharing a meal together (breakfast, lunch or dinner) can be an important part of healthy family life. In addition to providing some structure in a busy day, it gives children the chance to talk about what they are doing and want to do. It is also a good time for fathers to listen and give advice. Most importantly, it is a time for families to be together each day.

In a world where television and computers dominate the lives of children, it is important that fathers make the effort to read to their children. Children learn best by doing and reading, as well as seeing and hearing. Begin reading to your children when they are very young. When they are older, encourage them to read on their own. Instilling your children with a love for reading is one of the best ways to ensure they will have a lifetime of personal and career growth.

Children need the security that comes from knowing they are wanted, accepted and loved by their family. Parents, especially fathers, need to feel both comfortable and willing to hug their children. Showing affection every day is the best way to let your children know that you love them.

Even after children are grown and ready to leave home, they will still look to their father’s for wisdom and advice. Whether it is continued schooling, a new job or a wedding, fathers continue to play an essential part in the lives of their children as they grow and, perhaps, marry and build their own families.

On this Father’s Day, give your children a hug and tell them you love them.

Morris Nading, Men’s Ministry Coordinator

Monday, June 14, 2010

Save the Date: Walk for Life 2010

Be sure to mark your calendar and save the date for our 2010 Walk for Life. This year, we will have ONE walk for all six counties on Saturday, September 18, 2010.

The Walk for Life will be held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Columbus. Registration and Entertainment will take place from 9:30-10:30 a.m., the walk will begin at 10:30 a.m., and a hotdog lunch will follow for all participants.

During the registration and entertainment hour, we will have inflatables for the kids to play on as well as face painting, clowns, balloons and a worship band.

Walkers are asked to raise pledges; those who raise $175 or more will receive a 2010 WFL t-shirt. For more information, contact Teresa Russell, toll free, at 866-510-5067.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Baptist Church of Hope is bringing Christian Band Julian Drive to Columbus. The Beyond Hope Rally for Christ featuring two local bands as well is on Saturday, June 12 at Mill Race Park in Columbus. Gates open at 5 p.m. and concerts begin at 6 p.m.

While there is no cost to attend, a free will offering will be taken. Pregnancy Care Center will receive a portion of the funds raised from the concert. Come by and see us. We'll have a table there!

For more information on Julian Drive, check out their website.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Volunteer Training Starts Tonight!

Join us in praying for the men and women who will be attending our summer volunteer training sessions that begins tonight.

These men and women come wanting to serve as peer counselors, receptionists, phone line volunteers and medical services volunteers. Over the course of the next week, they will spend 18 hours in training, learning the ins and outs of the ministry, the clients we serve and how best to serve them.

Pray that clarity and boldness flows through the 12 staff members and volunteers who will be presenting throughout the week. Ask God to give the trainees eagerness to learn and a passion for this work in addition to perseverance in their studying and learning this week.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Majority of Teens Staying Abstinent

Not everyone is having sex in high school, according to a government report. The 2006-08 National Survey of Family Growth shows that 60 percent of unmarried teens in the U.S. have not had sex, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

Mike McManus, president of Marriage Savers, said it proves young people will listen to the message that they should wait.

"Those who remain chaste have much lower divorce rates than those who are sexually active," he said. "The sexually active are about two-thirds more likely to divorce than those who are chaste."

Paul Birch, director of the Institute for Research and Evaluation, said the survey numbers are encouraging, especially in a culture where teens are bombarded with the message that sex is the norm.

"The truth is that there's really no social, scientific evidence that I'm aware of," he said, "that exclusively demonstrates that having sex is a healthy behavior for youth to be doing at this stage in their life."

—Roger Greer

Source: Citizenlink.com

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dancers Bring Blessings

Sunday, May 23rd, was a very happy and exciting day for the Pregnancy Care Center of Shelby County. Our organization was, again, chosen by Miss Jill’s School of Dance as the designated charity for their Spring Recital.

Parents and friends of the students were asked to donate baby items as admission into the recital. We stood by the entrance with our Pregnancy Care Center display and were amazed at the abundance of baby items that were given to us. It was wonderful!

I would like to again thank Miss Jill and her husband for their support; and I would also like to express our gratitude to all of those who attended the recital and gave so generously. Your kindness in giving these donations allow us to provide needed items like clothes, diapers, and blankets to families in need in Shelby County.

Finally, I want to commend Miss Jill and her staff for teaching her students to be community-minded and to reach out to those who are less fortunate. What a great example you have set! Miss Jill, staff, and dancers, we appreciate you!

Enola Joplin, Shelby County Center Director

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Unborn Baby Gives British Mom a Thumbs Up in Rare Ultrasound Picture

Read this LifeNews article about a sweet baby in the womb:
Unborn Baby Gives British Mom a Thumbs Up in Rare Ultrasound Picture

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