Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Value of Fathers

It is a privilege and an honor to be a father. It is one of the great responsibilities that God has entrusted to us. Fathering is one-half of the equation of instilling family values.

Malachi 4:6 reveals to us; “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
With Father's Day coming up, I feel it's a great time to share with you from the Fatherhood Initiative ways that can be very effective for us as fathers to reap the everlasting joy from Malachi 4:6.

One of the best things a father can do for his children is to respect their mother. If you are married, keep your marriage strong and vital. If you’re not married, it is still important to respect and support the mother of your children. A father and mother who respect each other, and let their children know it, provide a secure environment for them. When children see their parents respecting each other, they are more likely to feel they are also accepted and respected.

How a father spends his time tells his children what’s important to him. If you always seem too busy for your children, they will feel neglected no matter what you say. Treasuring children often means sacrificing other things, but it is essential to spend time with your children. Children grow up so quickly. Missed opportunities are forever lost.

All too often the only time a father speaks to his children is when they have done something wrong. That’s why so many children cringe when their mother says, “Your father wants to talk with you.” Begin talking with your children when they are very young so that difficult subjects will be easier to handle as they get older. Take time and listen to their ideas and problems.

All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to set reasonable limits. Remind your children of the consequences of their actions and provide meaningful rewards for desirable behavior. Fathers who discipline in a calm and fair manner show love for their children.

Fathers are role models to their children, whether they realize it or not. A girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by boys, and what to look for in a husband. Fathers can teach sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility and responsibility.

Too many fathers think teaching is something others do. But a father who teaches right and wrong, and encourages them to do their best, will see his children make good choices. Involved fathers use everyday examples to help their children learn the basic lessons of life.

Sharing a meal together (breakfast, lunch or dinner) can be an important part of healthy family life. In addition to providing some structure in a busy day, it gives children the chance to talk about what they are doing and want to do. It is also a good time for fathers to listen and give advice. Most importantly, it is a time for families to be together each day.

In a world where television and computers dominate the lives of children, it is important that fathers make the effort to read to their children. Children learn best by doing and reading, as well as seeing and hearing. Begin reading to your children when they are very young. When they are older, encourage them to read on their own. Instilling your children with a love for reading is one of the best ways to ensure they will have a lifetime of personal and career growth.

Children need the security that comes from knowing they are wanted, accepted and loved by their family. Parents, especially fathers, need to feel both comfortable and willing to hug their children. Showing affection every day is the best way to let your children know that you love them.

Even after children are grown and ready to leave home, they will still look to their father’s for wisdom and advice. Whether it is continued schooling, a new job or a wedding, fathers continue to play an essential part in the lives of their children as they grow and, perhaps, marry and build their own families.

On this Father’s Day, give your children a hug and tell them you love them.

Morris Nading, Men’s Ministry Coordinator

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