Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

May the wonder of that first Christmas, the joy of God's abundant blessings, and the peace of Jesus' presence be with you always.

Merry Christmas from the Staff of the Pregnancy Care Center.

Monday, December 14, 2009

SOHLS Bulletin Inserts Available

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is quickly approaching on Sunday, January 24, 2010. The Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana is pleased to offer bulletin inserts to area churches at no cost this year. These beautiful, color inserts describe the work of the Pregnancy Care Center and educate on how people can become involved with the ministry. We have 15,000 bulletins to distribute; first come, first served. Please contact the Pregnancy Care Center administrative offices toll free at 866-510-5067 to order your bulletins today!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Doors Open to Share the Gospel

God is working in incredibly ways through the Men’s Ministry to share the love and hope of Christ with our male clients. Recently a young man, Michael*, came to one of our Centers and a male peer counselor, Morris, was able to have a time of sharing with him. Morris and Michael talked about many things and quickly built a nice rapport.

In the middle of their conversation, Michael asked out of the blue, “Do you think the world will end in 2012?” Morris replied, “Why do you ask?” Michael then revealed that he was afraid of dying and hearing everyone talk about the end of the world really had him thinking.

Through further conversation, Michael shared that he believed in God, heaven and hell, yet admitted he didn’t really know anything about any of them. He went to church a few times as a small child with his grandmother, but that was his only experience in a church.

Morris was able to share the full Gospel message with Michael and describe the difference between belief in God and faith. Michael prayed to receive Christ as his Lord and Savior for the first time that day! Please join us in praying for Michael; that he gets connected within a local church and would place his trust in God each day no matter what he faces.

*Name changed to protect the identity of client.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sarah's Choice

Back in September, Annie Romine and I went to the Care Net National Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. It was a wonderful time of learning for us as we attended various sessions on the areas of ministry in which we serve.

One evening after the sessions were over, we were privileged to attend a private screening of the movie Sarah's Choice. The film stars Christian music artist, Rebecca St. James who was there, viewed the film with us and even performed the title track from the movie's soundtrack. She shared her heart for the work of pregnancy centers and how blessed she was to get the role for this film. Rebecca wants to serve our ministry by providing music and films with a pro-life message. Her prayer is that Sarah's Choice can be used to save those in an unplanned pregnancy from making the choice for abortion as well as bring God's healing and forgiveness to those who have already made that choice.

If you haven't yet seen the movie, take time to do so this Christmas. It tells the story of Sarah, a young business woman, who is quickly advancing in her advertising career. She's unmarried, resentful of her religious upbringing and soon to get a promotion with a huge pay raise. So when she finds out she's pregnant, Sarah struggles with her choices.

Friends and co-workers encourage her to do what's best for her career, while a mysterious woman and three visions of the baby challenge Sarah with the truth about life.

Sarah's Choice is a wonderful film for parents to watch with their teens to open the doors of discussion about unplanned pregnancy and life issues. It also provides a beautiful message of healing for those who have chosen abortion and want to know and understand God's love and forgiveness.

Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing

Monday, November 23, 2009

Meet the Staff

At our annual staff retreat last month, Julian Sassen Photography and Michelle Aton so kindly shared their gifts and talents to take some photos of our staff. For those of you who have been asking, you now have a picture to put with a name!

Back Row L-R:
Darla Goodman, Decatur County Center Director and Friendraiser
Therese Chamblee, Brown County Center Director
Jenny Weaver, Abstinence Educator
Morris Nading, Men's Ministry Coordinator
Jim Bramlett, Friendraiser
Jenny Gardner, Director of Client Services
Tim Bond, Executive Director
Jane Bevers, Jennings County Center Director
Front Row, L-R:
Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing
Norma Champ, Treasurer
Lisa Newton, Director of Christian Education
Chris Bullock, Abortion Recovery Coordinator
Abby Glasser, Administrative Assistant
Enola Joplin, Shelby County Center Director
Tracey Pike, Director of Community Education
Judy Snow, Bartholomew County Center Director
Linda Long, Nurse Manager
Marge Miller, Jackson County Center Director
Not pictured: Annie Romine, Bartholomew County Assistant Center Director and Lara Heck, Internet Educator.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Truth About STDs

An article ran in The Republic newspaper this week reporting on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s release of their Annual Report Statistics and Trends for Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States Through 2008. The data revealed that the number of people contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) has risen over previous years and credited the rise to better screening.

The report also stated that the biggest rise in reported cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea was among girls, ages 15-19, accounting for more than one in four of those cases. STDs are at epidemic proportions and yet many of today’s youth still think “it won’t happen to me.” Why? Clearly one reason is the strong messages the media conveys that sexual activity among teens is normal, even expected, and safe as long as they use protection, while far too often parents, family member and friends remain silent on the issue. The truth is that while a condom can provide risk reduction for many STDs, waiting until one is in a committed, monogamous marriage relationship provides the only risk elimination.

For those who are sexually active, being tested every year and/or before starting a new sexual relationship, whether symptoms are present or not, is crucial for their sexual health. The Bartholomew County Health Department offers testing on a sliding scale with fees based on income and can be reached at 812-379-1555.

While STDs, infertility, cervical cancer and the emotional heartbreak that can come with casual sexual activity may be becoming more and more common, it doesn’t mean they are healthy, normal or best for our students. Early sexual debut and multiple sexual partners are well documented health risks. Today’s youth need to hear the message loud and clear that STDs do NOT have to be a part of their life. At a time when we’re taking major precautions to avoid the flu virus, we must be just as diligent to protect our kids from the emotional, mental, social, ethical and physical consequences that accompany poor sexual choices.

Here’s the bottom line: when we understand the facts about STDs, we can make better health choices. Abstinence has been, is and always will be the healthiest, best choice for teens.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Reaching More Women

We are excited to announce a new advertising outlet we have to reach potential clients in the Columbus area who think they may be pregnant. There is now a sign on a park bench featuring our logo, phone number and website with the text, "Pregnant? We can Help." The bench is located on the corner of 25th Street and Central Avenue, a very busy intersection, just down the street from Columbus North High School.

It was an advertisement on this very bench more than 10 years ago that connected a woman facing a crisis pregnancy to the center where she received truth, support and love from her peer counselor. Her pre-teen daughter is a happy, healthy young woman who loves the Lord.

This new advertising venture would not be possible without the support of a generous donor who is underwriting the monthly cost of the advertising space, as well as Columbus Signs who donated the materials for the creation of the sign and the labor for the installation of it.

Join us in praying that this sign connects many women in need of our services to the center.

Teresa Russell

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Blessing of Adoption

November is Adoption Awareness Month. The following is a guest blog by Mark Hiehle, a former Pregnancy Center Executive Director who currently serves as senior pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

For 15 years, we had talked about adopting a little girl. There was always the vastness of unanswered questions and reasons why we couldn't or shouldn't. We even went to numerous adoption informational meetings and took home packets from many different agencies—all of which were thrown away over the years. Time after time, however, adoption was brought to our attention through radio broadcasts, magazine articles, or songs on the radio. Then in 2004, the Lord spoke to my wife and impressed upon her that if we did not pursue an adoption, we were being disobedient. The questions and concerns were still there, such as where the money would come from, timing, what agency to use, and all the paperwork involved. It all seemed overwhelming. As we talked and prayed together, we took the step of faith and committed to adopting a little girl from China.

From that initial step of faith, it took us about a year and a half to compile all the paper work, wait, and prepare. I will always be the first to say, however, that my wife did just about all the work, research, and preparation throughout the process. If it were not for her diligence and persistence, the process would not have been completed.


After all the paperwork was completed and the documents were sent to China, the day came when we were approved to adopt a little girl from a special needs list. Due to either the one-child policy in China or this little girl's heart condition, her mother made the difficult decision to leave her next to a fire station on June 13, 2005. In God's providence, our flight left the United States to China on June 13, 2006. We received her when she was 13 months old, and she is 13 years younger than our youngest biological child. I love to say that 13 is our new favorite number.

In preparation for our adoption of this little girl, we read a book entitled, The Lost Daughters of China. In this book, we learned that all the children that are abandoned and taken to an orphanage are given the classification of 'Forsaken.' With that word, my mind raced to recount the plea of Jesus on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" In Scripture, the word translated 'forsaken' literally means to reject, abandon, or be deserted without hope. Upon hearing that our daughter-to-be was known as 'Forsaken,' I was impressed that her new name would be 'Forsaken No More.'

As the truth of that meaning swept over me, I immediately thought of the words of Scripture found in Deuteronomy when the Lord told Joshua, "Be strong and courageous...for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Those words are echoed throughout the Word of God, but no more profoundly than in Psalm 27:10 which tells us in the Amplified Bible, "Although my father and mother have forsaken me, yet the Lord will take me up and adopt me as his child." This truth is also revealed in the reality that each of us has been adopted into God's family by the sacrifice of Jesus' blood that was shed on the cross. A great price was paid for our adoption.

The meaning of adoption in biblical history has been forgotten or blurred in today's understanding. In the time of the Old Testament, an adoptive child was more secure than a biological child in his standing within a family. A naturally born child could lose his standing and promise, but an adopted child was legally secure in his inheritance for life. An adoptive child could never lose that promise. He could never be forsaken again. This became strikingly reminiscent when we signed the adoption papers in China. Before completing the adoption in China, my wife and I had to promise by oath that we would not mistreat our daughter nor forsake her. With joy, the promise was made because she was, "Forsaken No More."

In the beginning, I thought that our family would rescue a little girl from an orphanage, giving her a home full of love and the promise and blessing of a new life. The reality and truth of adoption is that we are the ones who have been blessed. Our adopted daughter has brought us joy beyond words, love beyond measure, and we have been dramatically changed.
For a birthmother, the release of a child is the most difficult and heart-wrenching decision that she can make. It is also the most loving and selfless act that she could perform. The blessing of that love is given both to her child and the adoptive family. The unconditional love of adoption is one of the greatest gifts that can be experienced—next to life itself.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Vehicle Donation Program

Do you have a car you want to get rid of but don't know what to do with it? The Pregnancy Care Center's vehicle donation program just might be the answer you've been looking for. We accept donations of cars, motorcycles, RV's and boats. All you have to do is call us with your information and answer a few simple questions about the condition of the car. Within a couple of weeks someone will be out to your house to tow the vehicle away. Once the car is sold, either as is or for parts, you will receive a receipt for the amount it was sold which you can then claim for your taxes...and PCC receives the proceeds from the sale of the vehicle. It's a win-win for everyone. Whether it's a newer car or one that's not running, give us a call to find out how you can support the PCC with a vehicle donation. Our toll free number is 866-510-5067. Call today!

Teresa Russell

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Safety

After a few weeks of grueling, middle school football practice involving profuse sweating, running, dehydration, re-hydration, shedding some blood and being driven to near tears, my son climbed into the car on the day they were to receive position assignments and announced in a half-defeated tone, “I’m just a safety, Mom.”

I scrambled in my mind to process this new information. I didn’t even know what a safety was! For all I knew he was going to be handing out Band-Aids to other players that got hurt! However, I gathered my thoughts quickly and launched into a impromptu speech on the incredible importance of a safety. One of the things I said, after learning a little more about this position was, “Tyler, what good is an offensive team if you don’t have a good defensive team?” I explained that on a team no position is useful by itself; every position must do his job for the team to work together well. Every position is incredibly valuable. As I continued on (as I tend to do) driving home the point I explained further that although some positions get more recognition, the success of those recognized players can only be attributed to those around him on his team and how well they do their job. I began to see his demeanor change. He settled into his seat a little more proud of his newly appointed position and newly discovered importance to the team.

And that is exactly the experience I recalled one day when I met a new acquaintance and she introduced herself to me as “just a volunteer.” And I thought of it again at the “Walk for Life” in Seymour when a young man indicated that gathering pledges and getting out of bed on a gray Saturday morning to walk wasn’t that big of a deal! My heart breaks when I hear people underestimate the value of their contribution to this ministry! Fortunately, I spared both of these team-mates from same tirade poor Tyler had to sit through but I wondered how many others have bought into that lie from Satan that their calling, gifting, contribution is less important than someone else’s that may be more visible.

We are a team, my friend. Your position is valuable. I pray that as you attend a football game this fall, or run across a good game on T.V. that you pause and analyze the importance of each player. I pray you consider how much we need you and appreciate you in this ministry! God has a great playbook, we’ve been given our positions, and the game has never been more intense!

Tracey Pike

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ground Breaking Report on Pregnancy Center Movement Released

On Wednesday, the Family Research Council, along with Care Net (our national affiliate) and other national pregnancy resource groups, released a groundbreaking report, A Passion to Serve, A Vision for Life, which shares the tremendous contributions of pregnancy centers since the inception of the movement over forty years ago.

Go to to download a copy of the report. You will be blessed to read the impact of pregnancy centers on women’s, men's, adolescent, maternal and child health and how the movement’s growth is driven by the public’s desire to support abortion alternatives.
Teresa Russell

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Columbus Resale Shop Benefits PCC

The Kids Resale will take place at Northside Middle School's gym and cafeteria on Saturday, September 26 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Come by to purchase items that are in good shape but no longer needed by the various sellers such as baby/youth clothing, toys, DVD's, books and baby equipment. A portion of the proceeds from the sale will benefit the Pregnancy Care Center. For more information, go to

Monday, August 31, 2009

Volunteer Appreciation Night 2009

We were so grateful for the opportunity to gather our faithful volunteers and their families for our first Volunteer Appreciation Family Picnic. We enjoyed a delicious cookout at Cereland and activities for kids and adults alike including a clown, magician, water balloon toss and egg toss.

More than 6,100 volunteer hours have been given by our volunteers from January-July of this year alone. The Independent Sector of Volunteers puts the value of one volunteer hour at $20.25. That equals $124,274!

May God continue to bless each of our volunteers and their families as they so beautifully serve Him through this ministry.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Golf Tournament a Success!

Our 11th Annual Golf Challenge took place on Monday at Otter Creek Golf Course in Columbus. We had 58 teams and more than 200 golfers participate. God blessed us with PERFECT weather and the golfers had a great day.

The ministry raised just over $86,000 in sponsorships and pledges! This is right at our budgeted number and about $1,000 dollars less than last year's number. How amazing, given the economic circumstances under which this fundraiser occurred! Many thanks to all who made the tournament a success, including our tournament sponsors, golf captains, golfers, golf sponsors, volunteers and staff. Most of all, many thanks to our Gracious God, who always goes before us to prepare the way for the work to be done. To Him Be the Glory!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Reaching Men for Christ

Each client that comes to our Centers is asked to complete an evaluation form and answer a few questions about their visit so we can do the best job possible in serving our clients.

I just received a copy of a client feedback form from our Bartholomew County Center. This particular form is from a male client who spent some time with a Men’s Ministry Volunteer.

This young man came into our center for material assistance. When he went into the counseling room the conversation turned into a spiritual discussion. He was presented the Gospel and made the decision to accept Christ as his personal Lord and Savior that day!

There’s also a spot on the feedback form where the client can write additional comments regarding their visit. This client wrote, “May God bless you all! And thank you for showing me the way to God!”

Thank you for your financial and pray support that makes the work of this ministry possible!

Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing

Monday, July 20, 2009

New Online Fundraising Tool

Our 11th Annual Golf Challenge is quickly approaching on Monday, August 3. This year, we’re excited to offer online registration that includes a tool to assist you in your fundraising efforts. To participate in the tournament you need to raise at least $150 in pledges. Whoever raises the most will receive their choice of a Sky Caddie or Garmin GPS. The runner up will receive a gift certificate for golf for four at Otter Creek.

So for all you golfers out there who haven’t stated raising your pledges yet, here’s how the online fundraising tool works and how you can raise your pledges easily and quickly, while also saving the Pregnancy Care Center time and costs:

Go to our website at and click on the golf ball. This will take you to the Golf Tournament Information Page and allow you register as a golfer. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with the Subject Line, “Golfer Information: 11th Annual Golf Challenge”. (It is very important to save this email as it provides you access to your “Online Sponsor Manger” page).

In that email you will find a large “Manage My Sponsors” button. Click on it and you will be taken to the Online Sponsor Manager Tool. To ask people to sponsor you, click on the “Invite Your Friends” link and you’ll be able to send out one email to your friends and family whose email addresses you enter into the box. You can even add your own personal message to the email.

When your potential sponsors receive your email, they will find a large “Click Here to Sponsor Me” button at the bottom of the page. They can then give a gift online via credit card or bank account, or be billed.

As your friends make gifts, their name will appear on your “Online Sponsor Manager” page. Click on each person’s name to see how much they pledged to you so you know how much more you have to raise.

Our hope is that this tool will help you to recruit your sponsors easily while also saving the Pregnancy Care Center time and costs in processes the gifts made to the ministry. If you have any problems with or questions about the fundraising tool, please contact Teresa Russell at 812-378-4114 or toll free 866-510-5067.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cosmo's Twisted Take on Virginity

There is a shocking headline on the front of Cosmopolitan Magazine this month; so shocking that whoever makes up the headlines actually wrote it like this: “VIRGINS IN COSMO! (We Thought This Day Would Never Come)” (July 2009 issue.)

Considering that I find this magazine offensive on several levels it pained me considerably to plop down $4.29 to purchase the magazine. But, I wanted to read what millions of women around the world (they tout that they are the best selling magazine with 58 international editions published in 34 languages and distributed in over 100 countries according to their web-site) would be reading about virginity.

As I suspected I would be, I was outraged. The summary is this: “seven virgins were interviewed and NOT ONE indicated she planned to actually wait for marriage.” I’ve scanned the entire article twice to see if the word marriage even existed in any of their interviews. Not once. One girl says that she “is in no way waiting for The One” and another says she “wants to hold out a little longer” but perhaps one of the saddest statements of all comes from a young woman who says that she was holding out for Mr. Right….but sometimes she thinks “Mr. Okay will have to do.”

I can not express emphatically enough how incredibly VITAL our ministry is to the young men and women in our society today! Teens are asked to believe nothing but pure LIES from our culture on a daily basis. It is compromises they are being asked and told to make! The Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana lovingly confront this generation with truth in the classrooms, in the centers, and in every encounter we are given.

Let me share just a few of the many instances where we are making the difference in South Central Indiana. I have included seven comments from seven Indiana teens to rebut the seven testimonies of girls in the Cosmopolitan Magazine article who have bought the lies of our culture or grown too weak to care. Let the comments collected from teens at the Columbus East/North Summer School program who embraced our Choose to Wait program last week speak to you:

- “I am now more confident on keeping my virginity.”
- “(This) really got through to me.”
- “I’ll definitely save my virginity for my spouse.”
- “Gave me a better perspective.”
- “Having this presentation convinced me.” “Awesome”
- “All of it made me realize it’s not worth giving up when there is so much ahead of me.”
- “It was SO informational.” “Think about your future spouse.”

Please join me in praying for the strength of our ministry and the audacity of Generation Y to embrace the truth!

Tracey Pike, Director of Community Education

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Abstinence Education Funding

Being the grant writer for the Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana, many people have asked me over the past 8 years why we haven’t applied for government funds for our Choose to Wait program.

While Title V funding has provided $50 million each year in block grants throughout the U.S. for primarily abstinence-only education, our board and staff felt it was a risk to rely on funding from an administration that could change every four years, thus changing funding priorities as well.

On Tuesday, the 2010 budget from the Department of Health and Human Services came out stating it “eliminates funding for Community-Based Abstinence Education [and] the mandatory Title V Abstinence Education program.” Those funds will now go to support contraceptive-based sex education.

Our hearts are broken for the many, quality abstinence-only education programs throughout the U.S. and the million students they speak to each year that will no longer hear the message that they have a future worth waiting.

Yet, we are overwhelmed with thankfulness for our MANY supporters who have given generously to not only maintain our programs, but expand them. In 2008, Choose to Wait and Wise Choices were in 35 schools in 8 counties in South Central Indiana and spoke to more than 6,000 students.

Please join us in praying for those programs that have lost their funding; that supporters will come forth to ensure no student goes without hearing the message that waiting until marriage will always be in their best interest, and students are equipped with the tools necessary to make that goal a reality.

Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing

Monday, June 8, 2009

Welcome Our New Volunteers

Saturday concluded our week long Summer Volunteer Training Sessions. Seventeen people went through the training from Bartholomew, Brown, Decatur, Jackson and Shelby counties. The 18-hour training enables participants to serve as peer counselors, men's ministry peer counselors, receptionists, phone line volunteers and abortion recovery support group facilitators.
Here are some comments from those in attendance about the training:
  • The training experience was excellent. I have never had a more enjoyable training, nor attended one more professionally done. Thank you.
  • [The training is] totally worth it--I will feel more prepared when I begin the ministry; very thorough.
  • The time really flies by. I would recommend the training if you are even interested at all in this type of ministry.
  • Once I made the effort to here, I didn't spend a moment on regret. I was exponentially blessed! Thank you!
  • For all my years in church I have longed to be taught or learn the "nuts and bolts" of witnessing leading to discipleship on a basic level, not just preaching the gospel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God is so faithful to equip a willing vessel. This ministry is truly a work of the love of God.
Please be in prayer for these men and women as they they begin the in-center orientation process and seek God's direction in what area of service to enter.

Above Left: Shirley Sanders, R.N., teaches on Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Above Right: Bartholomew County Center Director, Judy Snow (L) and Shelby County Center Director, Enola Joplin (R) demonstrate for trainees the right and wrong way to communicate with clients via the phone.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Life, Imagine the Potential

If you haven't seen the moving commercial Life, Imagine the Potential produced by you've got to check it's only a minute long! Just go to their website: and click the large "play" button on the middle of the page.

Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing

Posted using

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Parents: Home Crucial to Kids' Development

The following in an opinion article Lisa Newton, Director of Christian Education, submitted to the Republic newspaper in Columbus, IN. It was published on Thursday June 4, 2009.

As another school year comes to a close, the Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana would like to offer some words of encouragement to parents. Summer break affords many opportunities to strengthen family ties and guide students toward healthy development and successful futures. The attitudes and traits which lead adolescents to make good behavior choices are taught and cultivated over time. Never underestimate the great need children of all ages feel for a close relationship with their parents and for their parents' guidance, approval and support. May the following ideas encourage parents to make their homes a safe haven of love, nurture and respect:

· Spend time together: A national survey revealed that the majority of high school students, when asked about their desires for a better life, “wished for more time spent together with family.” Eat meals together as a family as often as possible, and use the time for conversation. Spend time engaged in activities that suit their ages and interests: visiting the library, participating in programs through Parks & Rec, playing board games or volunteering for a community organization. Shared good times can bring about great discussion and life-long memories.

· Be an attentive parent: Make sure your sons and daughters know you are always there for them and whether you are physically together or not, rules, curfews, and standards of expected behavior still apply. In interacting with nearly 1,000 parents and their students each year through our Transformed program, we find many parents struggling with their role. Appropriate supervision of your students’ whereabouts and activities isn’t an invasion of privacy but rather a responsibility of parenthood. Know what your kids are watching on TV, searching for on the Internet and listening to on their iPods. Help your students become educated media consumers making sure the messages they receive are consistent with your family’s values. The vital role you play is too important to ignore.

· Be a friend-friendly family: Get to know your children’s friends, welcome them into your home and talk with them openly. Develop relationships with their parents so together, you can establish common rules and expectations providing the healthiest, safest environments possible for each other’s kids to grow and flourish.

· Set the right example: Clear communication is a must, but much of what is taught is unintentional. Parents are consistent role models and students will emulate your behaviors. Strive to be a living, day-to-day example of your values and standards.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ultrasound Available in Jennings County!

We are pleased to share that starting tomorrow our Nurse Manager, Linda Long, will be performing ultrasounds at our Jennings County Center for the first time! Previously, our clients had to travel to one of our other centers in Columbus, Shelbyville or Seymour.

Please pray for Linda, Jane Bevers (Jennings County Center Director) and all our wonderful volunteers as they begin this new journey into the Medical Services arena in Jennings County. Most importantly, ask God to use the ultrasound machine in a mighty way to open a window to the womb so our clients are empowered to make informed decisions regarding their pregnancy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Care-a-thon 2009

Here are few pictures from the Care-a-thon Friday on WYGS. It was a great day to share the ministry of the Pregnancy Care Center with the listening audience of the Gospel Station as well as raise $850 to benefit the work of the center. If you weren’t able to tune in Friday, remember that we’re on the air every Thursday morning from 8-8:30 a.m. Check out to listen on-line or learn more about WYGS, a faithful ministry partner to the Pregnancy Care Center!

LEFT: Matt Bond, WYGS DJ, spent the day on the air chatting about the different aspects of the ministry.
RIGHT: Jane Bevers, Jennings County Center Director, and her husband Kim who serves there as a Men's Ministry Peer Counselor, share their heart and why they got involved with the ministry.

A Message from the Board and Staff

All of us at the Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana are shocked and saddened to hear of the killing of George Tiller. Every life is sacred and should be protected without regard of their views or actions. In the strongest possible terms, we condemn this act. Violence is never the answer to resolve differing opinions on abortion. PCC-SCI works toward a culture of mutual respect and dignity. At PCC-SCI we believe all life is precious as we promote non-violent solutions for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. Our prayers go out to the family of Mr. Tiller.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

All Because of a Can of Formula

The Pregnancy Care Center has the best supporters! They never fail to step up and provide for a need; whatever it may be. I wish we could adequately express the work that is accomplished to advance the kingdom through our faithful ministry partners because I know they sometimes wonder if their contributions make that big of a difference. While dropping off a package of diapers or collecting pocket change for a few weeks and throwing it into a baby bottle may seem insignificant to the person doing it, these acts of loving kindness are having a LIFE CHANGING impact on our clients. Let me share one such instance that I personally was able to experience a couple of years ago.

My mother-in-law, Cheryl, works as a developmental therapist. One day, the mother of a client shared that she had received a free can of formula in the mail, but had no need for it. She was going to throw it away, but remembered how Cheryl’s daughter-in-law worked at the Pregnancy Care Center and wondered if PCC could use it. Cheryl thanked her and promised to pass it along to me.

Cheryl gave it to me one weekend when we were visiting and I tossed it in the back of my car. It literally stayed there for weeks! I only noticed it when I was getting into the car; by the time I got to work, I forgot about it. Then when I was leaving at the end of the day I would see it once again as I got in the car, but never had time to take it into the building since I had other places to get to.

One day I was leaving on my lunch hour. I saw the can as I was getting into the car and thought I’d take it in once I got back. I started the car and began to pull out when I changed my mind and decided I’d better take it in right then before I forgot for another several weeks.

So I took it into the center and as I came back out a girl was walking away from the door (the Center was closed at the time). I asked if I could help her and she said she had missed her ultrasound appointment the previous day and wondered if she could reschedule. I invited her inside and asked her to wait just a moment. After talking with Linda Long, our nurse manager, I learned this girl had indicated she was abortion-minded at her previous appointment. I returned to the waiting room with Linda and we invited her to have an ultrasound right then. She agreed and saw her precious baby on the ultrasound screen. Her eyes were opened to the reality of life within her. When she left that day, she shared she had changed her mind and was choosing life for her child.

All because of a can of formula! Well, maybe not all because of a can of formula, but it sure was an integral piece of the puzzle!

We so often think we have little to offer, but God will take our offering, no matter how big or small it is in our eyes, and combine it with His awesome power and perfect timing to work miracles for His glory and fame.

You can be a part of this! Right now several of our centers are facing a shortage of material items that we distribute at no cost to our clients such as diapers, wipes, baby wash and shampoo, formula, bottles and various other layette items. Contact the Center nearest you to find out the specific needs in your county. You’ll never know the full scope of difference your gift will make in the life of someone in need!

Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pregnancy Centers Reduce Abortion

By: Melinda Delahoyde

Two days after President Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, the nation commemorated the 36th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. As expected, the new President, seeking not to be too divisive too soon, spoke in moderated tones and employed rhetoric about “reducing” or “reducing the need for” abortion.

So, taking President Obama at his word that he truly wants to see this devastating procedure chosen less frequently, what policies and ideas should he promote to accomplish that goal?

As you can imagine, there are a host of voices on this topic. Abortion rights advocates generally want more funding for contraception and sex education. Pro-life activist groups call for funding abstinence education, promoting adoption, and protecting legislative restrictions, such as informed consent and waiting periods. Other groups want more support for anti-poverty programs.

These voices will debate over which policy is best, but there is another voice not being heard – mainly because those championing it are too busy actually reducing abortion! In 2008, news headlines pointed to a 25% decrease in abortions from 1.6 million in 1990 to 1.2 million in 2005. Commentators asked why this might be happening, and some pointed to the growth and effectiveness of the nation’s more than 2,300 pregnancy centers. With statistics showing fewer pregnancies ending in abortion than in years past, TIME magazine said, “That would seem to be evidence that the quiet campaign for women’s hearts and minds, conducted in thousands of crisis pregnancy centers around the country, on billboards, phone banks and websites, is having an effect.”

So, if you missed TIME’s cover story in 2006, pregnancy centers are known as the “compassion wing of the pro-life movement,” and they work. After receiving the help of a pregnancy center, nine out of ten women served are empowered to carry their pregnancy to term, according to statistics gathered by Care Net, a network of 1,160 centers. The secret of their success is the compassionate, nonjudgmental support of volunteers who serve as mentors to women facing unplanned pregnancies – walking with them every step of the way. 30,000 such volunteers serve in Care Net pregnancy centers alone. Like the Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity, pregnancy centers embody the great American tradition of volunteerism and care for the weak and forgotten ones in our society.

Their effectiveness also stems from the fact that they are deeply rooted in the local community and well-connected in partnerships with a host of agencies caring for women and children. By working together to provide education, emotional support, and practical help to pregnant women in crisis, pregnancy centers and their community partners help moms welcome their children into a more stable and healthy environment. This in turn has a positive impact on extended families and the entire community.

Another feather in the proverbial pregnancy center “cap” is their financial independence. In order to keep the lights on as well as offer a wide variety of free services – from parenting classes and baby cribs to ultrasounds and STD testing, pregnancy centers rely almost entirely on private donations from local individuals who simply want to do something to help a neighbor in need (rather than expect Uncle Sam to do it).

So, with this notable background in mind, Care Net and our national network of pregnancy centers are after one thing from the new administration and Congress (and it’s not funding).

We’re simply asking for this, that those leading the “abortion reduction” discussion merely acknowledge the contribution of pregnancy centers in helping to achieve this goal and promote a national environment that allows us to do what we do best – help women in need in our local communities.

Respecting the work of pregnancy centers may be “out-of-the box” thinking for an Obama administration, though it would be consistent with the bridge-building promises he made during his campaign. Though obliged to the abortion advocates who helped elect him, the new President should simply listen to the stories of women who were helped by a local pregnancy center and decided against abortion. Instead of rushing to judgment about who we are, let the women speak! By better understanding the work that we do, the President and those engaged in the abortion-reduction discussion will recognize, like TIME magazine, that our community based, volunteer-led work “is having an effect.”

Melinda Delahoyde is president of Care Net, a national network of 1,160 pregnancy centers across North America.

Reprinted with permission by Care Net:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Pregnancy Care Center Partners with Clothing Ministry

The Pregnancy Care Center of Decatur County and First Christian Church of Greensburg has partnered together to provide clothing to children in the community in need, at no cost.

God’s Little Lambs Clothing Ministry is open from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the church. Located at 425 North Broadway in Greensburg, they provide clothing including onesies, tees, socks, shoes and coats for children sizes 18 months to 5T.

“This partnership has been such a blessing to the Pregnancy Care Center and our clients. We had been providing size newborn to 2T clothing to our clients, but lacked space to store it. In addition, clients were in need of even larger sizes than we could offer. Now we can serve those in need of clothing up to 12 months here at the center and refer those needing larger sizes to the church,” says Darla Goodman, Pregnancy Care Center Director.

“First Christian Church of Greensburg is pleased to be partnered with Pregnancy Care Center of Decatur County,” says Gary Buell, an elder at the church. “This clothing ministry is just one small way of helping to meet a need in our community. Psalm 127 tells us ‘children are a gift from the Lord’. Our desire is to help those in need, and serve Him, through this ministry.” For more information about God’s Little Lambs Clothing Ministry, contact the church at 812-663-8488.

Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing

Monday, March 30, 2009

Parents Matter

I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of parents recently. As a member of the Leadership Bartholomew County Class of ’09, I recently attended a class session focused on Education. We talked about public schools and what we as Americans want from our schools and the challenges the schools face in trying to meet those expectations.

We often tend to want the education system to teach our children everything they’ll need to know to be successful in life; however schools only account for 20 percent of a student’s achievement while their background accounts for 80 percent. I wonder how many parents fully grasp how important and vital their role is in the success of their children’s education.

Often at the Pregnancy Care Center you’ll hear Lisa Newton and Tracey Pike who oversee our abstinence programs say, “When you know better, you do better.” So often what seems like common sense and human nature to most isn’t even on the radar of others as being a standard truth. I honestly believe in the majority of situations, it’s not out of laziness or because of an “I-don’t-care-attitude” that parents aren’t involved in their child’s life. It’s because they have never been TAUGHT how to be parents. This leaves them repeating the cycle of what was modeled in their own home which more often than not wasn’t a healthy, stable, encouraging environment.

Praise God the Pregnancy Care Center is in our communities reaching men and women with education so they (and their children) can have a fresh start equipped with the tools and education necessary to have a successful life. We are teaching parents to “know better” so they can “do better”. Every day at our centers, we’re teaching men and women about a variety of subjects such as:

· The importance of not smoking during pregnancy
· The importance of going to the doctor and getting prenatal care
· How to effectively discipline your child
· How to make a budget and the importance of doing so
· How to manage anger issues in a healthy way
· How to care for your newborn infant

Thank you for the part you play in helping us get this education to those who need it most. We are so thankful for you, our prayer, volunteer and financial supporters. You make this work possible and are equipping our clients to know the significance of their role in parenting.

Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing

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