Friday, April 25, 2008

Staying Connected

In Ecclesiastes 12:12, the Teacher who wrote the book wisely observed, “Of making many books there is no end....” If the Teacher were alive today, he would no doubt restate that to say, “Of making many blogs there is no end!” The fact is you can log onto the Internet and find zillions of opinions on just about everything. Some thoughts are expressed artfully and well; others amount to nothing more than ill informed ranting. It seems to me, if anyone decides to add to the endless array of available blogs, there needs to be a well defined purpose for it.

When we decided to include a blog element in our new website, it was with a very distinct purpose. We want everyone who helps us fulfill the mission of Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana (PCC-SCI) to be completely informed, and to feel connected to the Kingdom work going on here. Our ministry is carried out in four primary places:

  • We have six care centers where trained counselors meet with women and men who are making critical life decisions about their family.
  • Our Choose to Wait speakers go into schools throughout the region to teach sexual integrity and abstinence to junior and senior high students.
  • Transformed is a program carried out in area churches, where the Biblical Truth about God’s plan for human sexuality is taught to teens and their parents.
  • Two Bible studies, Forgiven and Set Free and The Path to Sexual Healing are led in confidential locations to help individuals dealing with wounds and scars of their past find God’s grace and hope.

Obviously, because of the far reaching nature of this ministry, not everyone who shares a passion for what we are doing can be completely “plugged-in” to everything going on throughout the ministry. However, we want the people who make this ministry possible to be as informed as they want to be about how we are using the resources they contribute.

Literally thousands of people give money and resources to make the ministry of PCC-SCI possible, many of whom will never be on the “front lines” of what we are doing. Our prayer is that through this web presence you will be able to see the Lord move through this ministry and as the Kingdom expands, God will be honored and you will know you had a part in making that happen. To Him be all the glory!

Tim Bond, Executive Director

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