Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lives Are Truly Changed!

It is an amazing gift from God to get a note like I did from a student at Columbus Behavioral Health facility a few days ago. I had a young woman walk up to me on the second day after class and tell me, “I am a virgin because of you!” I thanked her and wondered how that could be true since I’d only been with her for 2 days, but she went on to explain, and later wrote me a note on a card that was given to the students to ask questions that explains what she told me. Her card read:

“I’m a junior now, but my freshman year I was going to lose my (virginity) to the most amazing boy ever (I found out he really wasn’t) and then you came in 4 days before it was gunna happen and changed my mind…I’m still a virgin…if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be, so thank you.”

WOW!!! Rarely do we get that kind of peek into the impact we, as a ministry, are really making by way of preventative measures! This note is a precious, tangible tool we can use to make sure all who support our ministry realize the value and affect of our mission; Lives are truly changed!

Tracey Pike
Choose to Wait Educator

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