Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Photo that Grasped the World

For me it still seems like yesterday—August 19, 1999. While on assignment at Vanderbilt University Medical Center the click of my camera’s shutter changed my life forever.

Dr. Joseph Bruner was performing fetal surgery for spina bifida on Samuel Armus—at just 21 weeks gestation—as I was shooting photos for USA Today. Suddenly I saw the uterus shake and little Samuel’s fist force its way out. His tiny arm flailed about and when the doctor squeezed his hand Samuel responded, squeezing back.

I fired my camera and was mesmerized as the more Samuel squeezed, the harder Dr. Bruner pulled. My camera was capturing the earliest human interaction ever seen on film.

Here in the states, I was originally told the photo—though miraculous—was too graphic for the U.S. literary market. On Sept. 7, 1999 however, USA Today ran the photo and it soon spread across the globe. In Europe a media firestorm spread regarding the photograph that came to be known as The Hand of Hope.

Much later Dr. Bruner would claim Samuel was under anesthesia and could not have reached out, saying he alone was responsible for creating a staged photo.

I’m sure Dr. Bruner has reasons for his version of history. Was Samuel under anesthesia as Dr. Bruner claims? Perhaps; as I’m no expert. Yet I saw—with my own eyes and my camera—a little fist burst forth on its own. After seeing the miracle of pre-born life, my worldand my viewpointwould never be the same.

Samuel—the most important person in this story—is now ten and doing well. He is a joy to visit with, exuding optimism at every turn. Samuel knows—as do I—that his photograph is changing hearts every day.

As I share my story at pro-life events around the world, one of the greatest blessings is seeing first-hand the importance of pregnancy resource centers. At these ministries, men and women—many for the first time—experience true compassion. And these ministries—just like a photo of a child grasping hope—are winning hearts and saving lives.

Michael Clancy is an award-winning photojournalist and frequent speaker at prolife events. His story can be found on the web at MichaelClancy.com. Photo and Article used with permission from Michael Clancy.

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