Monday, April 12, 2010

Prom: An Opportunity to Talk

It is a surprise to many parents that they are the most powerful influence in their child's life — greater than peers, popular music, television, celebrities and the media. Research consistently makes clear, as a parent, the things we say and do have a tremendous influence on the decisions our children makes—especially in the area of sexual behavior. While there are many ways we can protect them from the dangers of poor sexual decisions, talking with them is one of the most effective. Starting the conversation with our kids about sexual integrity and keeping communication open throughout their teen years is never easy -- but it's also not as difficult as we may think.

We at the Pregnancy Care Center want to remind concerned adults that the upcoming prom season provides an excellent opportunity to dialogue about relationships and encourage our kids to make healthy choices and avoid risky behaviors. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy reports that while teens are under a lot of pressure to be sexually active, 88% of teens believe it would be easier to postpone sex if they had more open conversations with their parents about it.

They want to hear from us, but they also expect us to initiate the conversation. It is essential we as parents understand the negative impact of early sexual activity so we can clearly communicate our values and our expectations not to view sex carelessly. However, casual conversations that involve listening to their input are far more effective than lectures. Asking open ended questions can start the dialogue and gage their attitudes. What do our kids think about having sex outside of marriage? Do they know abstinence is in their best interest—even on prom night?

Studies show talking openly with our teen about sex and sharing our family values reduces the risk of premature sexual activity and teen pregnancy. Teens have earnest and honest questions and need open, caring connections to adults who can help them make thoughtful and wise decisions. They need to know that 2 out of 3 sexually active teens regret their decision and more than one-third of sexually active young adults report that alcohol or drug use has influenced them to do something sexual. (The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy)

As parents, we need to do more than just purchase corsages, dresses, tuxes and shoes. We need to equip our kids with the truth.

Lisa Newton

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