Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Impacting Lives for Eternity

Susie* is a client we have worked with for a long time. She first came into the center for a PT in 2004. The test was positive and she received material support through this pregnancy. She came in for help with diapers, formula, and a car seat in 2005. Three times volunteers/staff shared the gospel with her that year. Susie came in three times for material assistance in 2006 and two times volunteers/staff shared the gospel with her. The gospel was shared with her in 2007, 2008 and 2009. In reviewing her file, she had heard the gospel a total of 12 times through 9 different people.

In addition to this, she also participated in the Mom's REC program we had for a couple years and developed a strong connection with the PCC Volunteers who facilitated the group. God was working in Susie’s life! At one point she said to her peer counselor—she knows it is the right thing to do (giving her life to Christ and obeying Him), but she was not ready.

Then Susie started working at a day care center that was connected with a church. The woman she worked for took Susie under her wing and mentored her. Other ladies there reached out to her and showed her the love of Christ. Susie began attending the church sometimes with her children.

Unfortunately, Susie was arrested for assault shortly thereafter. She came into the Center very sad. She lost her job as a result of her arrest. However, her boss/mentor took her around many places to look for another job and continued to reach out and encourage Susie. Susie was very sad about this loss. What Susie felt the worst about was losing out on the opportunity to be with the women at the day care center who encouraged her so much. Her peer counselor encouraged her to keep attending the church, but Susie was very embarrassed by the arrest and wasn’t sure how people would respond to her. She did not return to the church. Her counselor prayed for her to find another good job which she did.

Fast forward a few months. Susie came in to the center with her long term boy friend last month. They came for diapers so Susie sent her boyfriend back with a male peer counselor to get the diapers, while Susie waited in the waiting room. A counselor went out to talk with Susie in the waiting room. Susie said she was “over” the “old life” and ready for change but she did not believe her boyfriend was ready. Susie said she was still young and needed to make something good of her life.

In the meanwhile, the male peer counselor was in the counseling room sharing with Susie's boyfriend, and he was very receptive and broken. He prayed to receive Christ as Savior! The boyfriend also wanted Susie to come back and hear the “good news” so the male peer counselor shared again. Susie listened as the gospel was presented and said “yes!” This was the 13th time we had presented it to her at the Center (plus any times she heard it at Mom’s REC).

Susie’s comment on the evaluation was--what she liked best about the Pregnancy Care Center was the “godly learnings” and “you can’t help but listen to [the peer counselor] he’s so spiritual and glows”. Susie’s boyfriend wrote about his counseling experience “so full of life and inspires me”. The male peer counselor strongly encouraged them to reconnect with the church where Susie had worked.

God was working all those many times Susie received love, encouragement and the truth about Jesus Christ!

* Susie is not client’s real name.

1 comment:

Sharon Kirk Clifton said...

What an encouraging story! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Thank you.

Because of Christ,

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