Monday, November 15, 2010

A Baby's Perspective

Recently when talking with one of the Pregnancy Care Center Ambassadors, she brought to my attention a poem she had written 24 years ago about abortion from the baby's perspective. She came across it as she was going through papers from her childhood and says, "I got tears in my eyes when I recalled that I was so young but so strong in my beliefs even then." I thought it was touching and wanted to share it.

My eyes are blue like mommy’s

My hair is blond like dads

But things like this they’ll never know

I’m the only chance they had

God gave me to my parents

A gift money can’t buy

They weren’t very thankful

Because they made me die

I never had a chance to live,

A chance to hear or see

They said I was still tissue

That wasn’t meant to be

I was just a tiny person

I only need time

If they had let me grow and live

I would have been just fine

They said I’m not a person

Unless I’ve actually been born

But if they really knew the truth

My sad, sad death they’d morn

The doctor came with the instruments

The pain was so intense

They pulled me from my mommy’s womb

And I had no defense

By Alison Simo
Printed with permission

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