Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Spill that Steals

If you own a television and have turned it on even once in the last two months, undoubtedly you've seen it. You've probably been as horrified as me watching the images of black, sticky crud violently spewing from the center of the earth into the beautiful, clear creation of God.

If you thought that the previous paragraph was about the BP oil spill, it wasn't! The images of the oil disaster are simply a perfect physical picture of the spiritual darkness spewing form the center of the earth into crystal clear creation threatening to pollute and steal the pure thoughts, mind and breath from all life it touches. The majority of our media and entertainment industry plays a unique roll in facilitating such dark, poisoning crud.

A key concept to all that we do at Pregnancy Care Center is to reveal the truth that concentrating only on the physical aspects of anything has us missing a huge part of the truth. Physically; there truly is a disastrous amount of dark "crud" spewing into culture. Ignoring the mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspect of any physical reality keeps us shallow and unhealthy; covered with a coat of crud that threatens to steal our lives. PCC is about the business of addressing disasters such as the effects of a massive "oil spill" of a more massive measure on a daily basis. The great news is we have a cleansing Savior that promises beauty for ashes!

Please join us in the clean-up effort! Whether financially, with your time, or with your talents, will you take a moment to pray about what role God would have you play to help mankind avert future, further disaster?

Tracey Pike, Director of Abstinence Education

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