Merry Christmas from the Staff of the Pregnancy Care Center.
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Merry Christmas from the Staff of the Pregnancy Care Center.
Teresa Russell
After a few weeks of grueling, middle school football practice involving profuse sweating, running, dehydration, re-hydration, shedding some blood and being driven to near tears, my son climbed into the car on the day they were to receive position assignments and announced in a half-defeated tone, “I’m just a safety, Mom.”
I scrambled in my mind to process this new information. I didn’t even know what a safety was! For all I knew he was going to be handing out Band-Aids to other players that got hurt! However, I gathered my thoughts quickly and launched into a impromptu speech on the incredible importance of a safety. One of the things I said, after learning a little more about this position was, “Tyler, what good is an offensive team if you don’t have a good defensive team?” I explained that on a team no position is useful by itself; every position must do his job for the team to work together well. Every position is incredibly valuable. As I continued on (as I tend to do) driving home the point I explained further that although some positions get more recognition, the success of those recognized players can only be attributed to those around him on his team and how well they do their job. I began to see his demeanor change. He settled into his seat a little more proud of his newly appointed position and newly discovered importance to the team.
And that is exactly the experience I recalled one day when I met a new acquaintance and she introduced herself to me as “just a volunteer.” And I thought of it again at the “Walk for Life” in Seymour when a young man indicated that gathering pledges and getting out of bed on a gray Saturday morning to walk wasn’t that big of a deal! My heart breaks when I hear people underestimate the value of their contribution to this ministry! Fortunately, I spared both of these team-mates from same tirade poor Tyler had to sit through but I wondered how many others have bought into that lie from Satan that their calling, gifting, contribution is less important than someone else’s that may be more visible.
We are a team, my friend. Your position is valuable. I pray that as you attend a football game this fall, or run across a good game on T.V. that you pause and analyze the importance of each player. I pray you consider how much we need you and appreciate you in this ministry! God has a great playbook, we’ve been given our positions, and the game has never been more intense!
Tracey Pike