In the middle of their conversation, Michael asked out of the blue, “Do you think the world will end in 2012?” Morris replied, “Why do you ask?” Michael then revealed that he was afraid of dying and hearing everyone talk about the end of the world really had him thinking.
Through further conversation, Michael shared that he believed in God, heaven and hell, yet admitted he didn’t really know anything about any of them. He went to church a few times as a small child with his grandmother, but that was his only experience in a church.
Morris was able to share the full Gospel message with Michael and describe the difference between belief in God and faith. Michael prayed to receive Christ as his Lord and Savior for the first time that day! Please join us in praying for Michael; that he gets connected within a local church and would place his trust in God each day no matter what he faces.
*Name changed to protect the identity of client.
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