Cheryl gave it to me one weekend when we were visiting and I tossed it in the back of my car. It literally stayed there for weeks! I only noticed it when I was getting into the car; by the time I got to work, I forgot about it. Then when I was leaving at the end of the day I would see it once again as I got in the car, but never had time to take it into the building since I had other places to get to.
One day I was leaving on my lunch hour. I saw the can as I was getting into the car and thought I’d take it in once I got back. I started the car and began to pull out when I changed my mind and decided I’d better take it in right then before I forgot for another several weeks.
So I took it into the center and as I came back out a girl was walking away from the door (the Center was closed at the time). I asked if I could help her and she said she had missed her ultrasound appointment the previous day and wondered if she could reschedule. I invited her inside and asked her to wait just a moment. After talking with Linda Long, our nurse manager, I learned this girl had indicated she was abortion-minded at her previous appointment. I returned to the waiting room with Linda and we invited her to have an ultrasound right then. She agreed and saw her precious baby on the ultrasound screen. Her eyes were opened to the reality of life within her. When she left that day, she shared she had changed her mind and was choosing life for her child.
All because of a can of formula! Well, maybe not all because of a can of formula, but it sure was an integral piece of the puzzle!
We so often think we have little to offer, but God will take our offering, no matter how big or small it is in our eyes, and combine it with His awesome power and perfect timing to work miracles for His glory and fame.
You can be a part of this! Right now several of our centers are facing a shortage of material items that we distribute at no cost to our clients such as diapers, wipes, baby wash and shampoo, formula, bottles and various other layette items. Contact the Center nearest you to find out the specific needs in your county. You’ll never know the full scope of difference your gift will make in the life of someone in need!
Teresa Russell, Director of Marketing
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