Friday, April 4, 2014

The Source of Truth

by Cynthia Workman, Abstinence Education Administrative Assistant

While processing surveys recently gathered during one of our Abstinence Education Classes presented to 6th graders, I was looking over students responses to the question, “List a person you can ALWAYS trust to give you the truth about sexual activity.”  A typical response to this question is a parent, sibling, trusted best friend or extended family member.  I was surprised to see an 11 year old young lady had responded to this query with the answer, “the internet”.

The internet has become a source of fast answers with a quick hit of the enter tab.  We can get trivia answered, dates recalled and the latest news and happenings from around the entire planet in less than a second.  It is not surprising that a young person would view the internet as a quick and ready resource to her questions.  What is sad is that she may view a response from a quick topical search related to sexual activity as “truth”.  I shudder to think what may even pop onto her screen in response to any query related to topics on sexuality.  It would be like jumping into a shark tank and hoping to find a friendly dolphin to swim with.  Chances are slim she will discover truth and that her purity of mind will come out unscathed.

What is truth and where can we find it?  God is truth.  There is no duplicity, no changing with the seasons or the times, no falsehood…only truth, unchanging, foundational truth.  He cannot lie.  He is truth in His person.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” John 14:6.   Therefore, His Word is true. “Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth.” John 17:17.  It can be relied upon for factual, consistent truth that is unswayed by the current cultures pleasure-oriented, consumer-oriented, self-centered society. As followers of Almighty God, we should be relied upon to speak truth for Him.  So those of you with a young person in your life, a child, grandchild, sibling, neighbor, etc. speak the timeless, unchanging truth to those you have the opportunity to have in your life.  “Speak the truth in love.” Ephesians 4:15.  God’s truth is not changed by current social norms.

My hope would be that any young person with questions related to sexual purity and sexual activity would be able to find an honest, truthful, factual response from a trusted adult rather than an impersonal search engine on the world-wide web.  Believing parent and grandparent wade in unafraid to these topics, seeking truth and answers from the source of truth and relevant guidelines-our Unchanging God and His timeless Word! If you’d like help in parenting and answers to difficult questions young people may have, please call our office (866-510-5067) to see about when and where one of our My Best For You or Transformed presentations for parents and students is taking place near you. There is also the option to schedule one in your local church. 

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