Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Journey Through Banquet Season

It all starts just after the first of the year.
Planning, preparations, prayer…the entire office takes on a different look…its Banquet Season. Knowing that hard work, diligence and extreme organization is needed we start the season off with Prayer! Praying for sponsors, table hosts, the Banquet speaker, volunteers, staff and those that will ultimately attend each event. We pray for the Holy Spirit to work through the keynote speaker as they prepare the important message thousands in support of the PCC will hear. We pray for sponsors to generously partner with us so every dollar earned at the banquets goes straight to the ministry. We pray for table hosts to join us in filling tables of supporters and those that might become supporters. We pray for health and endurance of the many volunteers and staff that will pour countless hours into making sure the banquets run smoothly and successfully. And we pray for those who will attend each night. We pray they will give, pray, volunteer. We pray they will become a partner in this fight for life.

Next comes the planning and preparations, which is an exciting job to say the least. Working with talented and creative staff, volunteers and outside organizations to make sure every aspect is thought through and finished well. From the color of the napkins to the sponsors getting correct acknowledgement, everything has to be ready to go by that first night and remain ready to go by the fifth and last banquet. Things can get a little busy and crazy but what a thrill to see it all come together!

Although there are always glitches and things that don’t necessarily go as planned each evening is such a reward! Meeting new people, hearing how they have enjoyed the evening and love supporting such a great ministry. It gives just the motivation and energy needed to do it all over again (four more times)!

Staying up late, organizing, reorganizing, packing, repacking…ahh, banquet season…how I love you but am glad you are only a few months! So today as I am in the process of wrapping everything up and putting everything away I wonder what ever will I do next? Golf Challenge perhaps? I’m sure I will figure something out.

Abby Glasser
Events Coordinator

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