Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Approaching Teen Risk Behaviors

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report on July 6, 2012 entitled “A Better Approach to Teenage Pregnancy Prevention.” The report stated, “Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA), an abstinence-centered approach to sex education, is the best public health strategy to prevent unintended teen pregnancies and sexually-transmitted infections.” The report goes on to explain; “Designed to emphasize risk avoidance, rather than risk reduction, SRA programs are based on effective programs designed to encourage teens to avoid underage drinking, illicit drug use, reckless driving, and other risky behaviors.”

The report addresses answers to questions surrounding what experts know about adolescents and risk taking, what protects teens as they learn to negotiate risk, and how a variety of successful public health prevention programs deal with teenage risk behavior.  A common theme in the answers to these questions lies in the power and influence of the parent. Studies show that parental guidance continues to be one of the most powerful yet underestimated tools in combating adolescent risk taking in our society.

The recommendations of the report include 1)encouraging our Federal government to adopt sexual risk avoidance as a better approach to teenage pregnancy prevention than the previously adopted and heavily funded national “comprehensive” sex education programs.  Comprehensive programs focus on risk reduction behaviors, such as condom usage and other birth control methods, and operate under assumptions that teens are incapable of discipline and self-control skills; harboring a learned helplessness mentality,  2 )supporting parents and guardians in their responsibility to be the primary sex educators of their children, and 3) focus on increasing public awareness that teens need guidance related to risky behavior, including sexual behavior.  The report can be read in its entirety at:  http://energycommerce.house.gov/Media/file/PDFs/07062012staffreport.pdf

Recognizing sexual abstinence until marriage as the healthiest, best lifestyle choice has been a priority for Hoosiers for years.  Indiana Code (IC 20-30-5-13) dictates that sexual abstinence be taught as the “expected standard for all school age children” recognizing that “abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems.”  It has been a privilege of the Pregnancy Care Centers of South Central Indiana to partner with schools in Bartholomew and surrounding counties to present complimentary curriculum in Health classes in which students are taught the healthiest, best lifestyle choice: refraining from all sexual activity outside of marriage and practicing fidelity within marriage.  

It is my hope that this letter encourages readers to take time to look over this report and thoughtfully consider the young people in which they could more fully engage and invest.  It is also my hope that parents and adult mentors are given confidence to stay plugged in to their children’s lives as active participation plays a vital role in the health and well being of our youth.   

Tracey Pike
Abstinence Education Director  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New STI Clinic Brings New Clinic Manager

Maria Westbrook has joined the Pregnancy Care Center family as Clinic Manager of the new STI Clinic. Maria has been a volunteer peer counselor at the PCC since 2009 when she, her husband Brett and their four children moved from Kazakhstan where they were serving as missionaries. Maria has a passion for serving others and feels God has truly called her into this position. “When I heard about the PCC-SCI's desire to open up a new center to do STD/STI testing, I thought to myself, ‘What a great way to reach a new segment of the population of Columbus and the surrounding counties.’ The potential for impacting people's lives when they are in a very vulnerable position, facing consequences of their choices and yet, being met with grace and truth was exciting to me and I knew that I would be a part of seeing the vision become a reality, either as a paid staff, or as a volunteer. I believe [God] has called me to this position and I am looking to him to equip me and enable me to carry it out, for his glory.”

As the clinic opens and client needs are met, Maria looks forward not only to the challenge but to fulfilling the mission and vision of the Pregnancy Care Center. “I am looking forward to seeing transformation take place in the hearts and minds of clients we will serve. I look forward to seeing our clients encounter Jesus through our volunteers and coming to understand God's love for them and plan for them. I look forward to seeing our clients make radical changes in their life choices, like choosing abstinence till marriage and choosing to carry their child to term. I look forward to seeing a place stand out in Columbus that deeply cares for the whole person.”

Please join us in welcoming Maria!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Indiana's Abortion Rate Continues to Drop

The Indiana Right to Life recently reported in their July Lifeline Report that the abortion rate in Indiana is dropping. “Abortion data just released by the Indiana State Department of Health in May reveals Indiana’s abortion rate dropped to a 33-year low in 2012 as a result of a 5% drop in abortions from 2009 to 2010. There were 10,031 unborn children aborted in 2010 which is 526 less than the previous year. The statistics are the most current available from the ISDH. Indiana’s abortion rate has now dropped over 8% since 2008 and has fallen nearly 40% from Indiana’s highest annual abortion rate of 16,505 in 1980.”

Indiana Right to Life President and CEO Mike Fichter says he “believes the decline is Indiana’s abortion rate is due to a variety of factors including pro-life policies passed by the Indiana legislature, expanded efforts by Indiana crisis pregnancy centers to provide alternatives to abortion, and a growing awareness of the humanity of the unborn child through technology such as ultrasound. In addition, high school and college students are coming to the pro-life movement in unprecedented numbers and are helping abortion-vulnerable peers to choose life when experiencing a crisis pregnancy.” Fichter goes on to say, “We are on the right track in Indiana. This most recent decline will energize and motivate Indiana’s pro-life community to work even harder to bring about the day when abortion is a sad and tragic memory of the past.” ARE YOU ENERGIZED? ARE YOU MOTIVATED?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mounds of Blessings

Recently, the Pregnancy Care Center got a call that a local kids clothing store would be going out of business and we were welcome to come and take whatever we could use.  Two van loads later we realized what a blessing we had received.  We were given boys, girls and baby cloths in great condition ranging in sizes and season. Enough to practically fill our Administrative Offices!  Now we will be able to continue to bless numerous families in south central Indiana!  God is so good! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

14th Annual Golf Challenge

Praise God for another great year of golf! We were blessed with beautiful weather and incredible support. Thank you to all who participated, volunteered and worked to make this event such a success.

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