Today is my first day back in the office after being out 12 weeks on maternity leave. (See “The Miracle of Embryo Adoption”). Having served at the Pregnancy Care Center the last 10 years it’s been strange, to say the least, to be away from my PCC family and this ministry I love for so long.
It has been an indescribable blessing to spend the past three months at home enjoying motherhood and getting to know my beautiful baby girl.
But I must confess—there were days I didn’t think I was cut out to be a mom. There was a period of about two to three weeks where we had a baby who was feed, clean and loved to pieces, yet wouldn’t stop crying. It was overwhelming. I cried with her!
During those long days and sleepless nights, I constantly thought of our clients. I can’t imagine how those who are caring for a newborn without a support system and oftentimes with other children running around must feel. I prayed for those precious girls and asked God to give them the strength to make it through the day.
And I thanked Him that the Pregnancy Care Center is here in our communities, ministering to them with His unending love. What a blessing it is to be a part of a ministry that provides a refuge for the weak and weary; a place of encouragement, support and hope. And we’re only able to do this with the support of partners like you! Thank you!
Teresa Russell
Development Director