Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Transformed at Grace

We recently completed a Transformed presentation at Grace Lutheran Church in Columbus. It was a great group and a real privilege to share with the parents and students there. Here are a few comments we received from the evaluations participants completed at the conclusion of our time there:
  • “I felt all sessions were extremely helpful—even shared with my 21 year old college daughter….I really liked how scripture was used to prove points so wonderfully.” --Mom
  • “I loved every session!! I think all the sessions are necessary to make a complete package…I really loved the whole program. It was so well done and up to date.” --Mom
  • The most helpful? “Honesty about sexual thoughts and temptations and about how difficult a struggle it is.” --Teen male
  • “The whole program helped a bunch. Very uplifting.” --Teen female
  • Most helpful? “Encouragement in the common battle” --Dad
  • “Loved it! Thanks so much…Homework got me thinking!’ --Dad
If you are interested in learning more about Transformed and bringing it to your church, you can go to our website or contact Lisa Newton, Director of Christian Education, at 812-378-4114 ext. 102 or toll free 866-510-5067.

Friday, October 15, 2010

"The Principle of the Path" by Andy Stanley

In every area of the PCC Ministries, one of our goals is to help others pursue God’s path for their life. We are always on the lookout for illustrations, techniques and tools that will equip us to communicate this message in effective ways. In his book, The Principle of the Path, Andy Stanley provides simple, fresh narratives that create a biblically-grounded blueprint for a successful life. He begins with a relevant story from his own life, explains the principle and then leads the reader toward applying this truth. The wisdom is subtle, maybe even a bit simplistic, but the more I think about it, the more profound and applicable to our ministry it becomes.

The principle of the path simply states, “Direction—not intention—determines destination.”

We all have dreams and desires for our future. Most of us have great intentions. But our intentions alone aren't enough to get us to our desired destination. We must be making choices and decisions that keep us moving in the right direction. Life is connected. Yesterday affects today and today will affect all our tomorrows. Our final destination is determined by the path we choose and where it leads, regardless of our intentions.

In addition to discussing this dynamic, Stanley also leads the reader through additional truths, including:
• "Prudent people look as far down the road as possible when making decisions."
• "When happiness points in one direction while wisdom, truth, integrity, and common sense point in another, that's when really smart people start doing really stupid things."
• "Your heart can't be trusted... The truth is, if you let it, your heart will direct you down a path that leads to the very spot you most want to avoid."
• "One never accomplishes the will of God by breaking the law of God, violating the principles of God, or ignoring the wisdom of God."

The book is filled with practical tools that can lead the reader to God’s best while avoiding regret filled detours along the way.

Lisa Newton
Director of Christian Education

* You can purchase this book by clicking on the title at the top of this page.

Friday, October 8, 2010

"A Tireless Servant Working Behind the Scenes Unto the Lord"

Many of you know Morris Nading as the Pregnancy Care Center’s Men’s Ministry Coordinator but last month at the National Care Net Conference in Grapevine, Texas, Morris was recognized for much more than his job title. Morris received Care Net’s 2010 Ruth Award for being a “tireless servant working behind the scenes unto the Lord.” Nominated by Annie Romine, she writes “I am floored at how much time and passion is exuberated through Morris. He is blessed with a strong sense of discernment, grace, humbleness, and faithfulness to Christ that all could learn from.”

Morris is in the Center each week working with the men who come through the door. He often prays and reads Scripture with the men as well as leads a post abortion bible study each week. He recognizes the need for truth to be presented in the lives of these men and dedicates his work to speaking that truth in a compassionate yet urgent way.

Not only does he do this well, he does it without recognition. Morris is our volunteer Men’s Ministry Coordinator and as Annie puts it would “probably be upset knowing I was submitting this nomination as he is serving in the Center solely out of his love for Christ and his desire to bring light into the darkness.” He may be upset with the recognition but it is all well deserved.

Morris, we thank you and we love you! You bring not only light into the darkness but Jesus to those who need him most. Congratulations on receiving the Ruth Award. You are a blessing to the Pregnancy Care Centers. “May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Ruth 2:12

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meet Melanie

Melanie Dearing is the Pregnancy Care Center's new Internet Educator. She is originally from Kentucky and has worked as a Special Education Teacher both at Paris Elementary School and Bardstown High School in Kentucky. Melanie has a Bachelor of Science from Eastern Kentucky University and an Education for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Certification from the University of Kentucky. She enjoys laughing with her husband Mark and learning with and from their three children. She also enjoys homeschooling, blogging, reading and being with her friends at A.W.A.N.A. where she volunteers. Melanie also volunteers as a small group bible study leader and with the Children’s Ministry at First Baptist Church in North Vernon. We are so excited to have Melanie as part of the PCC family. Please help us in welcoming her!

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